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Schufa listing a contractual relationship

  • 17 April 2020
  • 1 Antwort
  • 72 Aufrufe

I requested back in may 2019 a DSL connection from  O2.

After a month or so, I called back and asked what happened, and they explained that they couldn’t set up the connection in my house and informed that we wouldn’t get the router due to the same reason.

So the contract was finalized automatically without any charges made to my account.

After a year, I checked my Schufa, and to my surprise, there is a negative record coming from Telefonica GmbH.

Any logical explanation? Cause as far as I know, I owe you 0 euros with 0 cents.

We have no referrence number, contract number, customer number, etc…. We didn’t even received a single letter or email regarding this claim.

The case number according to Schufa is 491XXX.

How can I get this rectified?


Edit by o2_Larissa: Because of data security i anonymized your case number. Please note, that this is an open forum

1 Antwort

Hi @Cancelo.R,

welcome to our community!

Without further data, we cannot find out any information either. The Schufa case number does not provide us with the data we need to answer your question.

Please send a private message to @o2_Support , specifying your IBAN, your address (including names) and your date of birth. Then we'll see if we can find something.


Kind Regards,


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