@SimonVC Please use for this only the official dsl router return portal. when was the contract official terminated?
Hey @Joe Doe ! Thanks a lot for your response.
Back in the days, I made a return label with the portal, and for some reason the label doesn’t get accepted here in Belgium. It seems like it doesn't suit the DHL Points of Belgium. All said to me "we don't take these types of labels here".
I then asked on the forum if I could make the shipping label myself, and a kind member told me yes, I can make one myself. So I did, with the company DPD.
The thing is, when I am making the label, the only “sending-from” country available is Germany. This may produce a problem, since it may create a label only for Germany to Germany shippings.
How can I counter this problem?
Also, my contract got officially terminated the 2nd of July, 2021.
Thanks a lot for your helping already.
@SimonVC what you stay now in Belgium and can’t send over the official way complicated all. Normally the rented o2 router must return in 14 days after the contracts end. There is still a grace period, but you should soon reach it.
I think you live faraway from the German border so drive to German DHL shop is no option for you.
in some days will an o2 moderator come to your thread. See what she/he write.
Appreciate your time @Joe Doe !
If driving to Germany to send the package is the solution, then I might have to do that.
I’m still going to wait for an answer of an o2 moderator.
Thanks a lot again :)
A think one of the mods marked this topic as resolved, but the problem isn’t yet. :(
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hello @SimonVC ,
the topic got marked as solved, since Joe Doe’s first post was selected as an answer. I can’t tell you if this was done by one of us or yourself. Of course we don’t want to leave you without another answer. As Joe Doe already guessed, the problem here is that the return is meant to be within Germany. The foolproof way to solve this would be to just send the package from within Germany, else you could try to add the return label to the package and then send it directly from Belgium. If you choose the second option, you’d have to pay for the package yourself though. It’s your decision how you want to handle this, we’ll try and help as much as possible either way.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi @o2_Sven, thanks a lot for your time!
Alright understood. So I either have to send it within Germany, or from Belgium but that would incur additional costs.
Knowing that, does it have to be with DHL? I already did all this procedure, but with another shipping company (DPD) and the box got returned. I might have done something wrong in the process, but I still want to know if it has to be with DHL.
Second, I want to know where the payment of 54,37 EUR for the period of 15.06.2021-14.07.2021 and 97,00 EUR for the period 15.07.2021-14.08.2021 come from. I know I still have the box, but why is that so much? What does this requested money concern?
Really appreciate your time. We’re getting there :)
Hello @SimonVC ,
I think it should be possible to send the package with a different company then DHL, though that is definitely the preferred one, since it is also the one that is used by us under normal circumstances. What address did you send the package to?
As for your second question concerning the payments, I’ll have to check our system. For that I’ll need some additional Information from you, concerning this I’ll be sending you a private message. You’ll be able to find it in your Inbox, once you have answered there please leave a comment here to notify us.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi @o2_Sven
Thanks again for your time. :)
I sent the package to Wittgensdorfer Höhe 400, 09228 Wittgensdorf.
I answered your private message.
Thanks a lot,
Hello @SimonVC ,
the address is technically correct. Did you sent it labeled for o2? I find it curious that the package got returned.
Concerning the private message, I’ve answered you there as well.
Kind regards, Sven
Hi Sven,
I didn’t write down any “o2” on the label, thought I did write Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. right before the address.
I also just responded to your private message. :)
Hello @SimonVC ,
writing Telefonica Germany GmbH&Co. should have been fine. I can only speculate that it wasn’t accepted since it was a “blank” package or maybe it was opened and they found nothing concerning the return on the inside. But that is me just blindly speculating, though it would lend itself towards the return needing to be done with the correct labeling and as such from inside Germany, sadly enough.
Coming to your private message and the bills, that wasn’t an inconvenience at all, I hope that you did not get that impression, we are happy to help where we can. Concerning the bills, the first one over 54,37€ consists of the monthly fee for the previous month, the partial monthly fee until the deactivation of the contract as well as a small late fee since the previous month hadn’t been paid by the time of this bill. The following one over 97€ is just for the router, this will also be reimbursed once the router is returned to us.
If you have any more questions, just ask away.
Best regards, Sven
Hi @o2_Sven,
Thanks a lot! :)
Concerning the shipping box, wanted to let you know that they have pasted on the box itself a DPD paper crossing the “AD” box mentioning “Adressklärung durch Depot”, crossing another box mentioning “Hausnummer 2” (plus another sign just under the 2 which is barely readable). I thought I could let you know that, it may provide you a bit more information.
Before I engage in any of the next steps, I have another small question. Will I keep being asked for 97€ every month until the router is returned, or is that a one-time fee?
The truth is, the shipping costs of DHL are ridiculously high, so if it is a one-time fee I’m better off just keeping the box for myself, as a souvenir of my venue in Germany .
Thanks, once again, for your time, I deeply appreciate it.
@SimonVC You are correct, it is a one time fee, so maybe you should think about the idea to keep the router as a souvenir,
if the shipping costs are so high (i have no idea what i might cost from Belgium to Germany) its a better way just to pay the fee.
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards.
Hi @o2_Matze
Thanks for jumping in the conversation. So if I just keep it, no payments will still be demanded? Just to make sure.
Thanks a lot for everything
Kind regards
Hey @SimonVC ,
you can keep the router and pay that final bill and then nothing further will happen. Legally the router would still be “ours”, but when you pay the bill it is written off for us, so nothing more would happen in the future.
I hope this answers your question .
Best regards, Sven
Hey @o2_Sven
You’re right, I have a final bill of 5,20 EUR that will be debited on the 27th.
I guess that’s our final goodbye then haha.
Thanks a lot for everything!
Hey @SimonVC ,
even if you don’t have a contract with us anymore, you are of course more than welcome to continue your stay on the forums. I’m sure you have had an experience or two with us that could help other english speaking users and depending upon how your german is, we also have plenty of space outside of the more help oriented parts of the community. As such I will say goodbye, but I hope it’s not final .
Best regards, Sven
Hi @o2_Sven, always appreciate your quick responses.
And yes of course! Will be glad to provide any help where I can. :)
Kind regards, Simon