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Warum O2

Hallo. Der Techniker kam gestern, um das Internet einzurichten. 

Wir haben das Modem angeschlossen (bereits 30 Mal nach allen Anleitungen geprüft, alles ist richtig angeschlossen). Wir haben sowohl die Internet-Konfigurationssoftware als auch die Software auf dem Telefon verwendet. Nichts funktioniert.

Wir haben mehrmals den Support angerufen. Sie schicken uns immer wieder Anweisungen, wie wir das Modem einrichten sollen, aber wir haben trotzdem alles so gemacht, wie sie es wollten. Wir werden von einem Betreiber zum anderen geschickt. Einige Betreiber stören das Gespräch.

Das Problem wurde noch dadurch verschärft, dass wir erst seit zwei Monaten in Deutschland waren und kaum Deutsch (nur die einfachsten Wörter), aber Englisch sprechen konnten. Und uns wurde gesagt, dass die Techniker, die uns helfen können, nur Deutsch sprechen und uns geraten wird, jemanden zu finden, der mit dem Support spricht. Aber wir kennen niemanden, der uns helfen kann! Ich habe um eine E-Mail gebeten, an die ich Bilder und Screenshots meines Problems senden kann, damit ich den deutschen Google-Übersetzer verwenden kann, um die Situation zu erklären, aber ich habe keine erhalten.

Ich bin bereits 5 Mal vom englischen Support zu Technikern weitergeleitet worden, die nur Deutsch sprechen. Sie verstehen nichts und verweisen mich wieder an den englischen Support, der bei den technischen Aspekten nicht helfen kann.

Bitte helfen Sie mir, ich weiß nicht mehr, was ich tun soll. Ich glaube, es handelt sich um ein Problem auf der Seite des ISP.



Edit o2_Sven: Moved from Router, Software, Internet & Telefonie

Moin Moin,

If the DSL Light is off there is no connection from the „Street“ to the router. 

If the DSL light is blinking it is a try to connect. If the DSL LED is on you have a connection to the „Street“.

Could you make a photo of the telephone wall socked with out the cover?

With luck we could see a „lost“ wire.

O2 has only a german translation for the LED light of the homebox.

At the moment important is DSL.

  • Langsam blinkend = Slow blinking (searching for a partner)
  • Schnell blinkend = fast blinking (try to build up the connection with partner)
  • leuchtet durchgehend = LED on. Connection established 

WLAN is only critical if off (than wlan is off).

DECT is for phone not at the moment you problem


  • red on you have to enter your voip pin
  • on you are connected to the internet!
  • Blinking red/blue  reboot.

The rest is not important for the moment.


Hallo @ana100,

I assume it would help you if we were to communicate in english here?

According to what I’ve seen you managed to get someone to open a ticket for your connection and you should get any follow up infos to this via email so hopefully you can just use Googletranslate on these if anything is unclear. In the future if there are any other problems having someone that can speak german and translate for you would definitely the best way. It might be necessary that a technician comes out directly to your address to fix the problem, would that be an issue and in case that an appointment has to be made consider when this would be best, as you would be contacted for this. I hope the issue is fixed quickly and you have full access to your contract.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello, Sven, thank you for the answer. the situation is


  • Slow blinking = Slow blinking (searching for a partner)


  • Blinking  red/blue reboot.

We really don't know anyone speaking German in this district, and  people still aren't going to skip work to help us with the Internet. And this support service hours are also working hours


We’re is you location?

I live in Heerdt, Dusseldorf

So now DSL light is off. But sometimes it is going on and off (shimmering). Internet light goes from blue to red fast


Here is Internet socket


Here is how I connected the cable


Here is how I connected all other wires


Here is the WI-FI network, I see it, I can connect to it, but there is no Internet. It says No Internet in Ukrainian on my laptop


The homebox has no internet connection.

The WLAN is available for setting up the homebox. 

There is no way to fixit for you…

@ana100 The router is an official rental device from o2 with the contract?

Wasn't someone gifted or bought used?

Joe Doe, yes, of course, the router is an official rental device from o2 with the contract

Hello @ana100 ,

I checked your case again today and it looks like you talked to someone from the technical department yesterday evening and an appointment for a technician on the 5th of July was made. That date fits your schedule? If you need some support with this, let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

Hi Sven, thanks for checking the information

Today in the morning I had a conversation with the person from the English-speaking technical support and she told me that this technical appointment is for today (30.06) evening. I called purposely to check and confirm the time because I didn’t get any SMS or E-mail about that appointment, just was told about that by the person from the support line. The conversation was recorded by your system, I guess you may be able to access that recording. I canceled all my plans and waited for the technician all evening but nobody came.

And this is not happening for the first time. My first appointment for the internet connection was initially scheduled for 20.06.2022. I also waited all day, didn’t make any plans and the technician didn’t come and only then I got an SMS that it is rescheduled for 28.06.2022. And then it is clear now that on the day of connection 28.06.2022 the technician did it incorrectly after all.

The time of the 5th of July is ok, but now I am really not sure if anybody comes and it could really work out



Hello @ana100 ,

we don’t have access to any recordings of conversations that you’ve had with the customer department. The late slot for the 30th probably was just the next possible date that they could ask for as soon as possible, but if all technicians are already booked then it will default to the next open slot, which is the 5th of July between 8 am and 2 pm for the appointment. That date is set in the technical ticket that has been opened for you.

If there is anything else over the weekend let us know and if not then hopefully you have some good news to share after the appointment on tuesday.


Kind regards, Sven

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