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Warum O2

I already paid my overdue bills stating the customer number, the number of the bill sent to me and paid over 100 € foe the months that the transactions failed. Now you want over 115€ from me for September and October. Well, please check your bank because I already paid! 


What exactly does it say in your invoice on page 2/3 under amounts from the previous month?

I can't access the invoice because the website nor the app doesn't work for me for over 2 years and the customer service is so bad they don't know how to help or don't want to help at all. 

Have you registered for My O2 with your phone number?

Hello @PatriciaTroha,

nice of you to get in touch here with your request.😊
I see that Bumer has already asked you the right question. I can only agree with that:

Did you register in advance with your phone number at

Best regards


Hello @PatriciaTroha,

even if you haven't replied so far, I wanted to enquire about the current status with you!
Were you able to register with the phone number?

If we can still support you or you have any further questions, please let us know 😊

Best regards

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