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Warum O2

My Internet speed is always under 10Mbit.


I tried with 2 router. but the results were same.


Could you please help me?


Edit o2_Antje:Moved from Netz to English Community / 17.09.2023 

Hey @KaFFM,

welcome to the o2 community maybe @Joe Doe  or @schluej  could help you here!


Bei den Werten (Upload deutlich höherer als Download) deutet das auf Überlastung der betreffenden Basisstation hin…

@o2_Flo schau doch mal nach der Lage vor Ort nach 😉

Dear @KaFFM ,

I can see a feedback of your ticket about the network fault.

Now everything should be fine again. Can you confirm that?

Kind regards,


The problem is still there…

Internet speed is around 10mb

Please check it!

this is from today.


My Internet tarif is

o2 my Home M LTE 100Mbit

Internet is very very slow…


the pic below is from today.


can someone help me?


My Tarif is o2 my Home M LTE 100Mbit and


My router is  TP-Link Archer MR550 Router 4G+ Cat6 300Mbps, Wi-Fi AC1200 Dual Band, 4g Router mit SIM, MicroSIM, Gigabit-LAN/WAN Port, MU-MIMO, ohne Konfiguration,


Edit o2_Jennifer 08.10.23 17:56 → Beitrag zusammengeführt

Stop spamming1

Edit o2_Jennifer 08.10.23 17:56 → Beitrag zusammengeführt

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