Hello @J.Wang and welcome to our o2 community :-)
You will find all necessary information for canceling a contract in this article:
Hello , o2_Lars
i have another question, I took over DSL contract from the Previous tenant of my apartment. His contract was started at 13.02.2019, I took over his contract at 29.05.2020.
So, when i can cancel this contract? it is based on the start time (13.02.2019), or the take over time (29.05.2020)?
The contract period and the last possible termination date are indicated on each invoice.
A change of contract holder does not change the agreed contract term.
Hi @J.Wang
I could not have said it better as blablup did it.
A 100 % correct and perfect answer to your question from him.
If you need further info don’t hesitate to contact us.
Best Regards Matze
Hello ,
I already send the documents to your company, and O2 send a confirmation email to me, the email details is - Datenschutz ist uns wichtig. Bitte best?tigen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse, damit pers?nliche Nachrichten und vertrauliche Informationen bei Ihnen ankommen. But when i open this email, it reports this ERROR:
Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.
Ihr O2 Team
What Can I do next step? Could you send me one more email? My Kundennummer is 606XXXX766. Do you have a phone number I can contact directly?
Thank you for your answering.
edit o2_Tobias: customer number hidden because of data-security reasons
Hi @J.Wang,
thanks for your reply.
I just have sent a verfication-e-mail again to you.
Can you try to confirm this e-mail? Do you get again an error-message?
Loving greetings,
Thank you for your quick reply. It displays the same ERROR message. First it ask me to chose the log in methode: Login or SMS-code. After I chose Login, it appeared:
Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.
Ihr O2 Team
By the way, the new link for confirming is the same as the last one. Is it Ok?
Hi @J.Wang,
well, if your e-mail-address is still correct, there should be no problem that you will receive the confirmations by e-mail.
I guess that as we started already the cancellation-order of your DSL-contract, our system does not allow any changes anymore.
Loving greetings,
I am sure that my e-Mail is correct,because I already receive the confirmation e-Mail. But the link is unreachable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 it reports the error message as I said before :
Aufgrund technischer Probleme k?nnen Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es sp?ter noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.
Ihr O2 Team
What can I do now ? May I ask my friend to O2 shop to handle this problem ? Because I am not in Germany already. Or could you give me the email address or Phone number ? I can talk with you directly for this problem.
Thank you !!!!!!!!
Hi @J.Wang ,
the cancellation can’t be handled in a shop, I’m afraid. Have you sent the documents via letter or as an e-mail and have you received any other Info about that?
Do you have 2 accounts? One for this forum and another one for your DSL-Contract? If that’s the case, please try using the DSL-Account.
We do have a hotline for english-speaking customers:
089 66 66 30 08 1*
This service is available monday till friday from 10am - 6pm.
*Charges according to your rates for calls to German landline.
Best regards,
yes, I put my another Huawei email address in the termination documents, and i received the confirmation email from O2 company in the new Huawei email address.
For my DSL contract and mein O2,the account is my Google email address, But i cannot login the Google email in China. this is the reason why i put a new one in the termination documents.
This is the reason why i can not open the confirmation link in the new address? And what can i do nex step? could you help send the confirmation link to my Google email address, i can login it to confirm the info with my friend 's laptop, who is in Germany. Or if i need to send the termination documents one more time , just correct the confirmation email address same with my DSL contract and mein O2.
My Kundennummer is XXXXXXXXXX. My email address for DSL contract is XXXXXXXXXX
Thank you.
Edit o2_Lars: Please never post any personal information in a public forum.
Hello @J.Wang,
in order to verify an email address it is necessary to login with the mobile or landline number of the contract that this email address belongs to. So, in this case, please login with the landline number and the password that you have chosen. I suppose you already registered the landline number on our online portal?
I cannot find anything about mobile or landline in the contract. I am still charged by O2 even though I have already left Germany and sent everything you need by mail. That is ridiculous.
Please send me the link again to my Huawei email.
Thank you.
please send a private message to:
Please quote your customer number and your date of birth and we will take a look at this matter.