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I am using O2 DSL connection currently. Will be moving to new house on October 1st, Can you let me know if my current O2 connection/contract can be transferred to new address?

I checked this url:

there are 2 options, 

  1. Bestehende Vertragslaufzeit behalten
  2. Neue 24 Monate Vertragslaufzeit abschließen

I would like to use option 2 (new contract without moving fee)

In such case, How Can I terminate my current connection and get new one in my new address?


Hi @user_l 

welcome to our community. :slight_smile:

Thanks to @blablup for the link.

If you like to move and take the second option it means you don’t have to pay for the move and get a new period of contract with immediate effect. You don’t need to terminate the existing contract and get a new one. This is just a contract detail we have to change. Please note if you extend the contract by move you won’t have the chance to get some discounts later on. We are able to change the contract after 18 month notice. 



Hello @o2_Manga 

Thanks for your comment.

I would prefer to take option 2 (new connection) - but I don’t want to maintain my current contract to be continued (it is unneeded extra maintenance for me).

  1. So how should I terminate my current contract and apply for the new one? can you forward me the link for DSL contract termination.
  2. Should there be any hidden/further charges in this case?


I think there is a misunderstanding. If you apply for a move to a new address you may choose if you pay 49,99 EUR and leave the contract with the remaining month as it is. In your case there are still 15 month ongoing.

If you like to save the money you decide for a new contract period so in your case we replace the 15 month to 24 month. So it is 9 month more you will have to keep the contract. 

If you cancel the contract at the old address and start a new one at the new resisting place you will have two contracts to pay because a 24 month contract can’t be cancelled with immediate effect. You will have to keep it until the end in 2022 or you will have to pay the remaining month in a sum if someone else needs the TAE in your current address and we have to set it free.

So please fill in a request to move and choose one of these options. A new contract is no good to solve the situation.

Thank you @ o2_Manga for clarifying.

I need to know one more option, it is possible to transfer my current connection to new tenant?

what would be the procedure & how much time will it take approximately?

Yes, of course @user_l 

that is always a good idea for both sides. You will find the form online at Vertragsinhaberwechsel

Just fill in and send it to the address mentioned in the form. We will arrange all the further details.

But please be aware that the new tennant has to pay 35 EUR for the change of user.


Hi @o2_Manga 


I have ordered a DSL address change with new contract.

Also, I Just got the previous tenant information which would be useful for O2 - Can you let me know where can I update this information? So that O2 can check if the connection can be activated directly online.


you got an email containing the question about the data of the previous tennant? It was sent yesterday. Please reply to this email and my colleagues will check if a technician is necessary.


I have also ordered a DSL address change with new contract.

I received an email asking for more information, is there a way to reply to this?

Hi @danielvegas,

normally they send you also the information, how you can replay to the e-mail.
Can you see the information there?


Hi @o2_Juliane,


The email comes from a no-reply address, saying I need to provide further address details. I received a phonecall but missed it. The information provided in the pdf I was sent doesn’t perfectly match the set-up of the flat:

1. HHs /1.SFL; Hinterhaus, 2. HHs_/2SFL; Hinterhaus, Vorderhaus

The front door of my flat doesn’t have a Hinterhaus, only Quergebaude

Hi @danielvegas 

We have an english-speaking postpaid and landline support hotline for you.

You`ll find the number on our contact page.  

I am sure our colleages will solve your case asap.

Best Regards Matze  

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