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Warum O2

I have sent a letter for cancellation of my O2 DSL contract on 06-Aug-2019 to following address but I have not received any confirmation from O2.

Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

kundenbetreuung Nuremberg

90345 Nurmberg

Please Provide me confirmation that letter is received and O2 contract is cancelled.
Hi @vadivel,

letters by post can take up to a few business days until they arrive at their destination, also the cancellation itself may take a few additional days until it is final and visible in our data system.

If you haven't received an answer or if there is no sign of confirmation in your account in a week's time, feel free to contact us again, of course, and ask if the cancellation was successful.

Best regards,


I have not received any confirmation email for my connection termination. Could you please update on this?
Hi @vadivel,

I have sent you a direct message via our @o2_Support account regarding this matter.

Best regards,

Hi @vadivel,

your request for cancellation has reached us and it is currently being reviewed.

If there is any further development, we'll let you know.

Best regards,


Is there any further progress on this request?.I have sent out router as well.

I wanted this to be confirmed and clear all outstanding before i leave Germany. Could you please update on this?
Hi @vadivel

Your cancellation request is still being reviewed.

Our colleages from Contract Department will get back to you via E-Mail in your case cause your are leaving germany.

Best Matze
Hi Team,

I got a letter yesterday asking for my de-registration confirmation. I have sent it already along with my cancellation letter and also along with router. Not sure why it is required again.
The letters overlapped , that is the reason why your received a new one yesterday. Now our backoffice department got everything they need to check your request.

They will get back to you via mail.

Best Matze

ANY update on the cancellation. Still I didn't get any confirmation on this

Could you confirm on my cancellation O2 connection. I haven't received any communication from the team on mail.
Hi @vadivel,

your contract is going to be cancelled by tomorrow September 5th 2019.

Your final invoice will be released on September 22nd and contains the proportional basic charge up to the date of termination.


Deine Antwort