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It’s been a month since I requested a DSL connection. The connection is not yet unlocked.The appointment is next Wednesday and now all shops/Businesses are being closed due to Coronavirus and I am stuck without Internet. I need internet connection so that I can work from home. My DSL account is not yet created nor am I able to reach the customer service. The shop from where I purchased the contract is also closed. Please help me out with this.

If the planned installation date for your o2 DSL connection is next Wednesday, you will have to wait that long. Unless you have explicitly requested a later date, you will always get the earliest available date. 

You may consider to use a mobile network in the meantime. 

Hello @SD-OhTwo Help and welcome to our o2 Community :-)

As long as the activation date is in the future it is obvious that it is not working yet. To our knowledge the apointment will take place and you should be able to use your DSL connection from Wednesday on.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask, we will answer them as soon as possible :-)



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