Warum O2

No TAE socket

Dear tech support . We transferred our internet connection from one address to another due to umzug.

The problem is that we suddenly found out that we don’t have a TAE socket in the new apartment!!! 
There are only antennenkabel  (sat coaxial) sockets present. 

Will it be possible to connect the internet and what should we do in this case ?


edit o2_Manga: verschoben zu DSL Broadband

2 Antworten


Normally, the landlord is responsible for it. You can also ask for permission to move the line. If the landlord doesn't allow it to be given in writing! So that you can get out of the contract with o2.



welcome to our community. :relaxed:

@schluej is right. The TAE socket and the cable inside the house has to be provided by the homeowner.  Did you already ask for help in this matter?



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