Warum O2

No caller ID



appreciate if you can enable caller id for my number. 

or please let me know how to activate it.

6 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5


 @hrvoje555 Please login in your mein o2 customer account and choose „Rufnummerübermittlung aktivieren“ 


It does not work for thelast 5 days. It says there are technical problems and to try later.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

It does not work for thelast 5 days. It says there are technical problems and to try later.

@hrvoje555 Did I understand it correct that you can’t login in your mein o2 customer account.

No, page does not work. See the picture:


(Rufnummer im Screenshot entfernt, o2 Michi)

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@hrvoje555 Test it in mein o2 customer account. Same. :confused:


Yes, that is why I ask someone from O2 to change it in system, because I cannot and I need it from tomorrow. Why did they even turn off caller ID in the first place… And when I try to change it via my phone handset, it tells me not allowed on network.

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