Hello o2,
Finally the connection has been established by Telekom technician on 23/04/2020 and I received the o2 Homebox router on 24/04/2020 and in the evening I installed it. From the beginning it seems that there is a major problem in the line. the internet is working extremely slow. Sometimes even sending a whatsapp text is impossible. Together with that after each 5-10 mins there is no connection. I have to power off the homebox for 5 mins or more re start and then again a very week internet signal comes. I did several speed tests. The results are annoying. Downloading speed 15-18 MBIT / sec (or MBPS ), Uploading speed mostly below 100 Kbit /sec, Sometimes its even ZERO. Skype / Zoom / Cisco Webex Video call is impossible and even to open an webpage I am waiting for 1 minute. Just impossible to do anything with this connection. Yesterday I make the power on and power off of the router around 30-40 times. Otherwise the connection is DEAD. What to do with such a connection. This is good for nothing. I am receiving your system generated e mail for the 3 months free for internet TV. When an webpage is not opening, how to dream for a TV connection? Requesting you kindly and urgently look into this matter and to solve the problem very fast. I waited more than a month for the connection and now I can't use the connection. My company asked me to work from home which is impossible.