Warum O2

New router

  • 25 November 2020
  • 2 Antworten
  • 125 Aufrufe

I set up my O2 account I had a router which no longer works - is it possible to get a new router through O2 and add to my account

2 Antworten

Moin Moin @jamcnam ,

I would recommend you not rent a router from O2. O2 would like a one time fee of € 60. and then around 3 euros a month.
Buy an AVM 7530 which costs about 100 € that is 40 € more and is better than the O2 Homebox.
Benutzerebene 7

Hello @jamcnam and welcome to our o2 community :-)

Of course you can rent a DSL router from us but also there are possibilities to buy a router on the free market. You can use any router that supports VDSL vectoring, but please to not buy any used provider router. So neither Homebox, Easybox or Speedport since that devices may have issues if used on other DSL connections.



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