Warum O2

My router is not connecting to the internet.

  • 17 November 2019
  • 8 Antworten
  • 1016 Aufrufe

I applied for o2 internet through check24 in mid-October. (XXXXXXXXXX) When I applied, I did not apply for a router.


The technician visited on November 5th and completed the Internet installation and informed me that the installation was successful. At the time I did not have a router, so I could not use the Internet.

A few days ago I got 'o2 Box 1231' and connected it for internet use. But the router's DSL light flashed steadily, and the router's Internet connection failed.


I request it like this:

1. I wonder if the type of router (O2 box) that can connect the Internet to my house is set.


2. If all O2 boxes can be connected, I wonder why my home doesn't have internet, and I ask for a quick fix.


3. If the O2 box that can be installed is determined,

1) First, I want to know the possible router types.

2) I wonder if there is a router that I can get for free.

3) Or I want to know the cost of buying and renting.


4. Finally, I would like to consult with you via email. 

The reason is that I think I will have to provide my personal information for more accurate counseling.


Thank you for your help.

I hope my problems will be solved soon.


Edit o2_Lars: This is a public forum. Please never post any personal information!


Lösung von schluej 17 November 2019, 07:53

Zur Antwort springen

8 Antworten

Moin Moin,

O2 Router are for rent only. If you buy one it will not work.

The router you have is to old to work on a land lane from to day.

Buy a Fritzbox 7530 and it will be able to work, about 110€.

Or any other avm 75x0 or 7490. Bintec be.ip plus is also working. 

Don’t buy provider router!

If you know a lot about router, you can buy other routers, which I do not suppose.

Login data for the router you will get in Mein O2

Go to Tarif & Optionen and Zugangsdaten für Ihren DSL-Router.

For the Fritzbox you need from Internet

Userneme and Password.


This video shows how to setup a fritzbox


Hello @Koreanbaum and welcome to our o2 community :-)

I transfered your question to the english area so it will be found easier :-)

The o2 Box 1231 is an old device that is not in supprt for several years now. Additionally this device only works with ADSL ports. Since all recent connections work via VDSL which uses differente technical specs the o2 box 1231 will not work on recent DSL connections.

You need a DSL modem/router that is VDSL vectoring capable, @schluej already suggested some devices in his answer :-)




Thank you for answer.


I bought and linked the FRITZ 7530 as your advice.

Unfortunately, the internet is still not connected.


So I tried to solve the problem with "O2 DSL Hilfe" on my mobile phone.

And I checked the information that I need my “O2 order form”.


But I did not receive my order because I contracted to O2 via CHECK24.

Can you send me an O2 order form?

My email is Edit: Email adress deleted - o2_Kurt


Thank you for your helping.




Upon link is my first question. 

Thank you for answer.


I bought and linked the FRITZ 7530 as your advice.

Unfortunately, the internet is still not connected.


So I tried to solve the problem with "O2 DSL Hilfe" on my mobile phone.

And I checked the information that I need my “O2 order form”.


But I did not receive my order because I contracted to O2 via CHECK24.

Can you send me an O2 order form?

My email is Edit: EMail Adress deleted - o2_Kurt


Thank you for your helping



Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@Koreanbaum did you never an email from o2 with title "willkommen bei o2"? In this email are you o2 Dsl username and password including your new landline phone number.

Hello @Koreanbaum,

was @Joe Doe able to help you with his hint? You should have recieved an email from o2 prior to the activation with the subject “Willkommen bei o2”. Attached to this email there are several PDF in one of which the username and password to setup your internet connection was included.

Please also have a look at your SPAM folder.



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