I made a contract for a new apartment in March. But, due to the job loss, I needed to move out from the apartment I rented to my boy friend’s apartment.
In July, I asked for a cancellation of the contract following the move.
My boy friend had an O2 contract at the moment when I wanted to cancel.
So, I sent all the documents to O2 for cancellation. Then I got a letter from them that since the contract will end soon, I cannot cancel the contract I have. Because my boyfriend already made another contract with Telekom 6 months ago to change the DSL provider.
In August,
I called O2 service center to ask about this and the officer told me that I need to send them the Telekom contract. Then, I can cancel the O2 contract without problem.
In September,
I sent all the documents again to O2. Then, they sent me a letter again that I cannot cancel my contract. They wrote that “wir bieten ihnen aber gerne die umstellung ihres vertrages auf ihre neue wohnadresse an.
beauftragen sie uns hierzu bitter bis spaetestens zum 16. oktober 2020, damit wir ihnen ihr produkt an ihrer neuen wohnadresse zur verfuegung stellen koennen.”
There is already a DSL service from Telekom in this apartment so that I cannot bring my O2 contract to this apartment.
And at the time I wanted to cancel the O2 contract, this apartment had O2 service.
Why cannot I cancel the contract? Please contact me via phone call.