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A few days ago I requested a DSL upgrade from 50MB to 100MB but it still works as a 50MB service even after getting confirmation from o2 that the upgrade task has completed.
I tried to speak in chat but the tech wasn't helpful.
I was told to reconfigure the device which I did and the service is still 50MB in size.
I asked the agent to look for attenuation values ​​and he said he didn't have this information.
I asked about a specific configuration in the device that I would need to look for and it didn't have that information either.
Is there any way I can resolve this?


edit o2_Manga: verschoben nach Englisch o2 Community:Broadband/DSL

Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich ein DSL-Upgrade von 50 MB auf 100 MB angefordert, aber es funktioniert immer noch als 50-MB-Dienst, selbst nachdem ich von o2 die Bestätigung erhalten habe, dass die Upgrade-Aufgabe abgeschlossen ist.
Ich habe versucht, im Chat zu sprechen, aber der Techniker war nicht hilfreich.
Mir wurde gesagt, dass ich das Gerät neu konfigurieren soll, und der Dienst ist immer noch 50 MB groß.
Ich bat den Agenten, nach Dämpfungswerten zu suchen, und er sagte, er habe diese Informationen nicht.
Ich habe nach einer bestimmten Konfiguration im Gerät gefragt, nach der ich suchen müsste, und diese Informationen waren auch nicht vorhanden.
Kann ich das auf irgendeine Weise lösen?

@Julen.Orbegozo what router you use?

Hi Joe, I have a TP link archer VR600. 


Thank you!

@Julen.Orbegozo can you post a Screenshot from your Dsl line sync? Thanks.


Of course Joe, thank you for looking into this. 

I mentioned the attenuation values to an agent but didn’t seem relevant to him.


@Julen.Orbegozo the Agent can’t see the line parameters with the TP-Link at customer side. At download you are at the maximum from your line, unless there are problems in the apartment. Did you have more than one TAE connector in your apartment?

Hi Joe, 

The technician set up only one TAE connector, which is the one Im using now.

As per my knowledge, there are no issues in the line, the service still works normally at 50MB, aside of random disconnections, there are no degradation issues.

In this situation then I won’t be able to get the 100mb contracted, right?


Thank you very much for your help

@Julen.Orbegozo what did the online availability check from o2 and Telekom say for your adress? If you post Screenshots, please without any private data like adress. Thanks.

Hi Joe, 


I asked an o2 agent if I had the possibility to updgrade my service, and the 100mb service was offered by him.

The o2 availability check also even recommends this service instead of the 50mb that I had already.


Thank you!



Hi @Julen.Orbegozo 

I assume the local provider can activate a 100 Mbit Port  due to techical difficilties,

i think the attenuation / interferences on your DSL  are to high, so the download speed is limited to 50 Mbit.

The screenshot you posted indicates that (downstream max 64010 kbps) 

Best Matze

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