Warum O2

internet nicht avktiv

Hello, yesterday according to the email instruction I plugged in my homebox 6741. I connected it to my laptop and checked the o2 website and everything seems to be ok because it says “homebox ist freigeschaltet”. Unfortunately only YouTube and o2 are working, no other website. Also I tried connecting to WiFi both on my phones but it says. “Dieser internetanschluss ist zur zeit nicht aktiv”. I don’t understand what the problem is. Also the little internet light on my router is flashing. What do I do? 

Edit o2_Lars: Moved from DSL/Router to English/Broadband

3 Antworten

Moin Moin,

Internet is flashing green is ok.

The Home box is rent from O2 or do you buy it from private?

Try a Factory default reset. The little hole on the back. Press longer then 20 sec.

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +5

@Agatamc If the Homebox is really rented from O2, not bought privately used one and the message ( Dieser internetanschluss ist zur zeit nicht aktiv included Telekom icon) appears in the browser, you are 100% wrong connected at the DSLAM. We say  „verschaltet“ to this.

You absolutely need to create a technical ticket. Please mention the message (Dieser internetanschluss ist zur zeit nicht aktiv included Telekom icon) to the hotline. This is important.


Hello @Agatamc, welcome to our o2 community :-)

If you encounter issues with connecting to several websites after the activation of the DSL connection it may be necessary to have a look at the internet settings of your computer. Please make sure that DHCP is enabled for the IP connection so the IP of the router will be automatically be used as a DNS server.

Were you already able to fix this and does the connection now run as it should? Or are there still some things where we should have a look into? :-)



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