I don't know how to fill out a form (Anbieterwechsel zu Telefónica Germany) I need it in english
They (O2) have sent me a form to fill out online, everything is in German (I’m from Spain so I know very little, I translate everything with google translator) and most of the words in the form are acronyms, so I don't understand anything at all. Don't have forms in English? It is the first company that I contract in Germany. The form is from: Anbieterwechsel zu Telefónica Germany. I need help :(
Edit o2_Giulia: moved to English o2 Community: Broadband/DSL
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Do you know a German-speaker who could help you fill it in? I don’t see this form available in English.
If not, which acronyms are you unable to translate?
Here I send a photo of the entire form. I do not understand the whole bottom part and the top part except for the home address the rest either. If someone could translate it for me I would be incredibly grateful :(
This is the form for transferring a fixed network telephone number from your previous provider to o2 DSL and for terminating the contract with your previous DSL provider. The customer only has to fill in: customer number/order number, the name of his previous provider, the customer's personal data (name, address), the telephone number to be transferred from the old provider to o2. The customer must confirm his intention by signing the form. That is all. As indicated on the form (turn your head to the left and read the text), the lower part of the form is not intended for the customer, but for the companies involved.
If it was a new contract (at least that's how it reads here
out), then there is no change of provider and the form is therefore superfluous.
The change of provider form is sent to the customer if the customer states when placing the order that a DSL connection already exists at hisconnection address. If the customer provides inapplicable information in the order dialogue, he must expect to receive inapplicable forms.
Thank you so much Blablup!! I have doubts in what I have to put in these sentences:
Hiermit kündige/n ich/wir den zu unten gemachten Angaben gehörenden Anschluss bei.
alle Nr. der Anschlüsse portieren.
And where it says "von" and "bis" (from, to), there I have to put today's date until the date I want to be in the company?
I have already explained in my first answer in English what the purpose of the form is. I would therefore recommend that you first think about whether you really wanted to order a change of provider (that's what the form is for). If this is not the case and you have placed the order incorrectly, please contact o2 customer service.
If you really wanted to order a change of provider, I have already explained in my first answer which information has to be provided in which order. If you do not understand individual terms in German, please use translation aids. The section below “Telekommunikationsanlagen:” usually only applies to business customers, as private customers do not normally use “Telekommunikationsanlagen”. In the relevant section, therefore, there is no need to enter anything at all.
Hello @Alicia707,
if I understood you correctly in your other post, you are not switching from another provider to us, are you? In this case you do not need to fill in the form.
But maybe I missunderstood you. If you are still with another provider and want to switch it to o2 (including your landline number/s) you only need to fill in the upper part of the form. In this case please let us know how we can help.
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