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I cant change my bank account details for direct debit


I need to change my bank account details and in the website when I try it appears an error message like my IBAN is not from Germany, but it is. (also the BIC field is not editable, so it remains the old one even when I change the IBAN field, what is strange). Is there another way that I can make the change?


20 Antworten

go to the My o2 app, it should work.

Not working as well :(

can you take a screenshot of it? There's not much you can do with it doesn't work either.

Hello @beasales, welcome at our Community.

Can you tell us, what exactly doesn't work? And a Screenshot like bumer said, is always helpful 😀 But without your personal data please.

Kind regards, Ines.


In the app is like this for a week now:

And in the website, I cannot edit the BIC field as you can see, and once I put the new Iban and save it, appears this error message even though is a german one: 




I was thinking as I can’t edit the BIC field, whenever I save the IBAN change, it remains the old BIC, what doesn’t make sense and that’s why it doesn’t work

Same happens to me, now I wanted to change from German bank to another German bank, but it looks like it does not recognize the IBAN. Exactly same messages with @beasales. From the other subscription services, the IBAN worked.

Mods zur Infodoppelt 


@Sandroschubert Actually not, for that, I tried to change the banking details to non-German (EU) bank, but I realized that it is complicated. So now I tried to change it to another German bank, and it failed. This is different issue.

Das hast du breits in dem anderen, doppelten, beitrag geschrieben.

@Sandroschubert No, again, the other one is about the problem that I encountered when I tried to change the banking details to non-German bank (by filling up the form and sending it by fax).
This is about changing banking detail to German bank to another German bank from the website. The system does not recognize the IBAN of German bank. The results are same, I failed to change the banking detail, but the cause is different.

Hast du langeweile? @Chanyeong 

@Sandroschubert No I don’t. I just wanted to let you know that this is not duplicated. Did I make you annoyed? What is your problem?

@Chanyeong have you found a solution? :,) 

Not yet. So what I did is fill up the form that you can also find from “Internationale SEPA Bankverbindung angebun” (although it is not international, but German to German bank change) on your above post, and now trying to find old fax machine. The “telecommunication” company is not accepting it with email or whatsoever 🤣🤣.

Hello @Chanyeong,

I see you tried to change your bank address for us to German bank. That is strange, that it was not accepted. 

Did you try via the Mein o2 app or via a browser?

Best Regards,


Dear @o2_Gerrit 

Thanks for the reply.

I actually sent a form (that actually dedicated for international bank change) via FAX, yesterday.

Regarding this I have questions:

1. Will it be okay to use that form for German to German bank account change?

2. Could you confirm whether my document correctly arrived or not? I haven’t use the fax before, so I have no idea whether I did correctly.

3. This may be out of topic, but should the sending a document to telecommunication company really need to be via fax or snail mail? Even local transport company accepted the same document with email. I hope O2 seriously consider this.


Best wishes,


@Chanyeong I see that the colleagues have already received your fax, entered it into the data set or your contract for me to see and forwarded the task of changing your bank details to other colleagues.

Yes, the form which you used is also for German to German account change.

As of now it is a decision of our enterprise to receive documents which for example require a signature via letter or fax only.

Best Regards,


@beasales hope the above conversation also helpful for you 👍

Hey @Chanyeong 

Have you already received a reply from our department? :) 

Hey @beasales 
Can I help you any further?


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