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How to connect cable router

I ordered a home internet connection:

FRITZ!Box 6690 (Mietgerät)
Tarif O2 Home L - Kabel (o2 Mobilfunk Kunden)

And already received the router. the guide says that I should connect the router asap and check if opens (it doesn’t). But the guide only mentions a couple types of outlets, it doesn’t fit mine. Can the collective mind give me some advice how do I connect the router in my case? Can it even work at all? 


Please use too schort TV/Radio Cables (0,5m) to connect the splitter. The socket in your flat is a non standard socket for TV/radio.

Please use too schort TV/Radio Cables (0,5m) to connect the splitter. The socket in your flat is a non standard socket for TV/radio.

Is it possible to use the splitter on the first picture? I tried connecting the cable straight into it, but without success..

You could try to use a out put. But that's not what I recommend.



You could try to use a out put. But that's not what I recommend.

Why not? Is it unsafe?

The signal level at the router input must be within a certain range. The junction boxes/sockets have a correspondingly adjusted attenuation. 

Hello @Welp and welcome to our 2 community :-)

It happens now and then that not-exactly-standard wallplugs are used to combine several possible connection types. 

In this case I support schluejs tipp tu use two short cables from the wallplug to the splitterto make sure each signal gets the outlet that it was designed for.

Maybe you already tried it and got a connection? :-)




Hello @Welp and welcome to our 2 community :-)

It happens now and then that not-exactly-standard wallplugs are used to combine several possible connection types. 

In this case I support schluejs tipp tu use two short cables from the wallplug to the splitterto make sure each signal gets the outlet that it was designed for.

Maybe you already tried it and got a connection? :-)




Hallo! Vielen dank :)


No, I didn’t get the connection yet - thought maybe it would magically start working after the day the internet is supposed to get connected. At least the O2 homepage still isn’t loading.


Really would like to avoid extra cables as this thing on the photo is very neatly placed, would be really nice to make it work from there..

Hello @Welp,

 I had a closer look at the pictures you provided. I can absolutely understand that you like to use as few cables as possible.

At a closer look it seems to me like there are alreadxy adapters from BNC (the cable connectors) to Ethernet and that is the moment where I raise my hands and surrender :-)

I recommend to get in touch with the person that installed everything in there, I suppose you should get more information regarding what plug foes where and maybe there is a solution that we did not think of.




I ordered an O2 cable internet online from O2. it was supposed to be activated on July 22, 2024. But I can't connect to the internet yet. When I was ordering and talking on the phone they told me that  A technician will come on July 22 but he didn't come at all and when I called that day they just told me that he won't come and nobody put an appointment or something and i was wading for july 22 like more then 1 month to get an internet box and all.

I logged in and I see that it says Cable status as connecting and IPv4 and IPv6 not connected and I see that there is no data in the chart below for downstream or upstream. 

what should I do? 


I ordered an O2 cable internet online from O2. it was supposed to be activated on July 22, 2024. But I can't connect to the internet yet. When I was ordering and talking on the phone they told me that  A technician will come on July 22 but he didn't come at all and when I called that day they just told me that he won't come and nobody put an appointment or something and i was wading for july 22 like more then 1 month to get an internet box and all.

I logged in and I see that it says Cable status as connecting and IPv4 and IPv6 not connected and I see that there is no data in the chart below for downstream or upstream. 

what should I do? 

You probably should contact tech support at this point.


If anyone interested in my question: I had to call a technician to come and do some tech magic in the cellar. It seemed to help, but today it is the fourth day I’m waiting for my router’s mac address to be registered 😕 even though the router is provided by O2

Hello @bestinternet,

as far as I ca nsee you already opened an own thread and already recieved answers there. I recommend to stay in that one thread so we do not lose the overview :-)



If anyone interested in my question: I had to call a technician to come and do some tech magic in the cellar. It seemed to help, but today it is the fourth day I’m waiting for my router’s mac address to be registered 😕 even though the router is provided by O2

Here’s what seems to be the final update on my question. TL;DR: my type of connection can work fine, I don’t see any loss of connection speed - I get everything I have accordingly to my plan, even a bit more.

So I had this situation and this cabinet with electrical stuff. I showed same pictures in the O2 chat support (uploaded photos into the cloud and sent links). Tech support (only available in German in chat, but Google/Deepl translate works fine) created a ticket. A few days later the technician came (I had to be at home to open the cellar and grant access to the router; that’s a different appointment from the initial one after which everything should’ve started to work).

Then I used the O2 my service app to set up the connection. It suggested to give the mac address of the router to tech support on the phone (available in Eng), so I did that. Phone support said I need to wait for a few hours for it to get registered and that I’ll receive an email once it’s complete (I never did). The next day it still didn’t work, so I contacted tech support again, through the chat this time. Gave the mac address again and kept waiting. Once or twice a day I was restarting the router and launching O2 my service app to see if it works. Eventually, on the 4th or the 5th day, after a couple restarts and launching troubleshooting mode in the my service app it started to work.

If you are using your one FRITZ!Box why not using the configuration site of the FRITZ!Box ?


Hello and thank you for your feedback, @Welp :-)

I am glad to hear that everything is up and running exactly as it should, please excuse the delay in the activation process.



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