Warum O2

Home Internet Contract Transfer from another


I applied for a transfer of the home internet contract from the last tenant to my name on 24.11.2022. However, I didn’t receive any information and also any payment notices for the transfer fee. Now, I do not have any internet connection at home and trying to figure what has happened. Customer services said they can not see any home internet contract both in my name and last tenants name. What should I do in this circumstances? Thank you!


Edit o2_Sven 25.01.2023/14:16: Moved from o2 my Home: Vertrag & Tarife to English o2 Community: Broadband

7 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7

Hello @GeekMonkey,
thanks for your request. 
Have you already asked the last tenant. He or she will be our contactperson until a contract is switched to another customer. 

kindly regards

Yes I have asked him and he said the contract is no longer in his name. It is not shown in my meinO2 app either. 

So, here is the question. If the contract is seems cancelled in his name and also not present in my name, is it safe for me to apply for a new contract? Because I don’t prefer to pay both the transfer money and the money for my new contract.

Thank you!

Benutzerebene 7

@GeekMonkey , thanks for your respond. 😊

Do you have the customer data from your tenant? If so i can contact you via private message to look what happened with the contract. 
Or do you have received any informations as you tried to take over the contract? 

kindly regards

Benutzerebene 7

Hi @GeekMonkey ,
is everything fine? Were you able to solve your request? 
If there is anything we can do, please give a sign 😍


Hi @o2_Micha ,

Yes I solved! By signing a new contract with Vodafone.

Thank you.

Hello @GeekMonkey ,

too bad you made a new contract with another provider. 
Perhaps we can offer you a suitable contract in the future. 
Feel free to contact us again at any time if you have any questions. 

Best regards,

Deine Antwort