Warum O2

High ping and disconnection in our internet connection

I am having the titled issues with my internet connection. I have a cable connection with a Fritz Box 6660 modem, which has worked rather fine for the last 11 months (a disconnection or two at late night hours has been the only issue).

On 18.01.23, I lost my internet connection fully. It took 15 days to fix, and I was not informed of what the problem was or what has been done to solve it. In the end, internet came back on the first days of February, but since then I have experienced high pings and some disconnections. This has happened both while on wifi and while being connected directly to the router via cable.

I am providing a screenshot of a ping measurement tool that I did an hour ago. I have tried a few sites with the same results, and I am getting the same high ping measurements while playing different online games (even getting disconnected sometimes for this reason).

I fear the fix on the connection has been done poorly and resulted in this faulty service. What can be done to solve my issue?



Lösung von o2_Maria 10 February 2023, 17:56

Zur Antwort springen

3 Antworten

Hello @TabLmm,

especially since you are also experiencing disconnections, I’d advise you to contact the technical department concerning this issue.


Kind regards, Sven

Yes, I have tried that. However, the mix between my A2 German and the default disrespect from the technical teams resulted in me not being able to process my claim.

Is there a way for me to submit my claim in writing?


Hello @TabLmm ,

that really doesn't sound nice. 
I can only apologize for that here. 
Did you contact the English-speaking hotline directly?

O2 Service in English 

Our English-speaking postpaid and landline support for you. We are happy to assist you.

089 66 66 30 08 1

Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 8 pm, Sat. 10 am - 6 pm

You can send a written complaint to the following address:

Telefonica Germany GmbH und Co OHG

90345 Nürnberg

Best regards,

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