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Help in English? Contract Terminate, leaving Germany

Benutzerebene 1
Hello.  Excuse me, my German was not good enough to complete questions on phone helpline.  I tried to call 3 times but I could not understand all instructions.

I will finish my job and will leave Germany and and de-register with Rathaus on 16/01/2016.   I will want to Terminate my Phone contract at this time.  What will I need to do next ?

Thank you...


Lösung von brianna 10 December 2015, 09:24

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51 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Hello gali,

please don't write your concern in different threads.

Here is yours: https://

Hi Lasagne1412,

for you it's the same. I answered you here: https://.

The thread is so big now that I'm going to close it here. You can of course open new threads! ☺️

Kind regards,
