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Warum O2

Hello, I handed over a DSL contract to a new resident of my old apartment.
But I’m still being charged.
The new resident called a customer service and was told that due to the system error, the transfer of the contract has failed. They said I need to terminate my contract. I already called a German video chat. But an operator kept asking for some number which I wasn’t sure of. He hanged up without solving my problem in the end. 
Can you help me? Cancellation of a DSL contact isn’t straightforward…

Hello @abc5445, welcome to our o2 community :-)

If you try to cancel a contract via phone you will be asked for the “persönliche Kundenkennzahl”, a four digit code that you have chosen yourself to legitimate yourself if you are calling our customer service. If you do not remember that code I am sure my colleagues will have arranged sending it to you via postal mail.

You can also cancel a contract the “classical” way either via fax or letter, you will find the address to send it to on every invoice :-)



Hello Lar,

--You can also cancel a contract the “classical” way either via fax or letter, you will find the address to send it to on every invoice :-)

Do you mean this?

Sie können Ihren Vertrag unter Einhaltung der oben ausgewiesenen Kündigungsfrist zum Ablauf der Mindestlaufzeit kündigen. Nach Ablauf der Mindestlaufzeit können Sie den Vertrag jederzeit mit einer Frist von 1 Monat kündigen. Die Kündigung muss in Textform erfolgen. Weitere Informationen zu Kündigung sowie entsprechende Vorlagen finden Sie unter:

I don't see an address or fax number. Can you tell me which address or fax number I should send to?
Also, the contract handover has failed due to the system error and O2 is still charging me. Does O2 not follow up on this? Please refund.



Hello @abc5445,

A change of contract owner has not been possible generally since December 1st, 2021 until further notice. Alternatively, of course, there is the option of terminating the contract. Our adress is

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg

Fax: 01805 571 766

You can also use this form for your cancellation: Kündigungsformular DSL-Vertrag

How did you request the change of the contract owner? Haven’t you received any information that it is not possible? As a temporary solution, you could also change the bank details to those of the new tenant: Anderung der Bankverbindung

Best regards


Hello @abc5445,

I just wanted to ask if you've found a solution to your problem. If you still need support, please let us know again.

Best regards


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