Warum O2

Extraordinary Cancellation Because of Moving Back Abroad

I am an exchange student in Germany and when signing up for my 24 month phone contract in March, I was told I would be able to submit an extraordinary cancellation request prior to my move back to the United States. It was recommended that I submit this request 3 months before I move back to avoid any additional fees; however, I understand I need to submit a deregistration certificate of my present place of residence in Germany along with my request. I will not be able to obtain this certificate until one week prior to my move back, so I am not sure how I will be able to send this request for cancelling my phone plan in advance. Am I required to pay a set inconvenience fee regardless of how far in advance I plan to cancel my plan? I will be leaving Germany at the end of September 2022, which is when I will need my plan cancelled. Thank you!


Lösung von o2_Manuela 19 July 2022, 11:15

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8 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Hello @Lilly B 


please send the."Abmeldebestätigung" in September. It's not possible to cancel it before. 


Did you have only a contract or contract with Handy? 

Hello @Lilly B , 

welcome to our community! 😊

You also can send us the extraordinary cancellation due to moving abroad right now.

The deregistration confirmation can be send to us, when you have it. 

Do you have a rental contract or a registration confirmation from the United States already?

You can send us what you have right now and you can submit the rest later.

Your contract will be terminated regularly. When all necessary documents arrive, the cancellation date will be corrected.😊


Best regards, 




Hi there, thank you for your response. Is there an email address I can send the documents to? The fax number does not appear to be working. 

Hello @Lilly B , 

unfortunately not I am sorry.

You can send us the cancellation and the documents via post:

Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG

90345 Nürnberg

Which fax number did you use?

You can use this one for the DSL cancellation: 

01805-571766 (0,14 €/Min. from the german landline; Mobilfunk max. 0,42 €/Min. costs incl. MwSt.).


Best regards,




Hello. What if I won’t work yet and I can’t provide a rental contract since my family owns the house to which I will be residing? Is the deregistration enough?


No. If you are 18 or above, you are responsible for the contract you sign.

If you change you location you have to do a Umzugsauftrag 


If O2 is unable to connect at the new location, the contract will end after a month.

If O2 is able to connect you have to pay.

I think the question from @bernsbstn wasn’t answered.

I have the same question too, what if I do not have the rental contract of my home country because I am staying with my parents? 

Is it enough just to provide the deregistration?

Hey @happySunny,

this is our FAQ regarding your topic in general: 

Do I understand correctly that you are moving away from Germany, back to your home country? Ideally, you should provide us with the documents that prove this. Deregistration, registration in your home town or similar. Does this answer help you? 


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