Hello, I have bought O2 my Home M + router, it has already been delivered and works fine, but when I want to log in to the website to see my account details (such as invoices), I cannot confirm my e-mail.
When I click on the button in my e-mail and than click on either “Login” or “SMS-Code”, I get an error:
Aufgrund technischer Probleme können Ihre Daten in Mein O2 derzeit nicht geladen werden. Bitte probieren Sie es später noch einmal oder versuchen es alternativ in der Mein O2 App.
Ihr O2 Team
Can someone help me with this, please? Thanks a lot!
(Anytime I click here - https://www.o2online.de/mein-o2/ - I get redirected to https://hilfe.o2online.de/ - so it doesn't really help.)