I should have a 50M connection, but it has never (almost two years I have had this connection) been more than ~13M. Also, now with the start of new year, this January, I have only been getting 6M for multiple weeks now. I wonder why do I consistently get so slow internet and why it is so much slower this year and if I will ever receive even close to the promised 50M I am paying for?
Also, this January, the connection is droppin at least once a day, often more. When the internet goes away, the only way to get it back seems to be restarting the router, which then restores the internet, but it is bit annoying to have to restart the router daily or more. Is there anything that can be done? I have O2 provided homebox 2. This issue was there also to a lesser degree before January, but back then (when the speed was also 13M instead of 6M) it happened only maybe once a week, which was less annoying.
Thanks for help