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I received the Fritzbox from O2 for DSL connection. I have set it up. The problem is when I am trying to connect my cellphone via wifi it is asking for Sign in and  during sign in it is mentioning ‘ Bitte wenden sie sich an den telekommunikationsanbieter Ihrer wahl. Geben sie dort die nachfolgend aufgeführte Vorwahl und Leitungs-ID an, um Ihren Anschluss ggf. ohne Technikerbesuch bereitzustellen.’

Can I activate it somehow or do I have to wait for technician visit?


edit o2_Solveig: verschoben von Router → English o2 Community: Broadband/DSL

A DSL connection cannot be used before the scheduled provision date, this is normal. 

Hello @garv,

welcome to our community :relaxed:

Depending on the state of your order, the line ID can accelerate the activation process and avoid the visit of a technician to your apartment.

In this case, the technician is already booked and your DSL will be activated on the date that was announced in your order confirmation.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best regards


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