i tried to set up my homebox after the technician left and told me now i can use my internet. then the problem appears, the dls light is green, the wlan light is green and the power light is green, but the info light is red. i try to have access to the o2.box, and it told me das netz wurde nicht erkannt. they asked me to call o2 service, i tried from 9am to 6pm, sitting there to call the hotline million times, I never got through the line. i tried to turn on and off of the box for several times, and reset it for several time. nothing changed. then i had to go to the shop, and made an appointment, then came back again to discuss my problems, then they just told me to call the hotline, i told them i could not get through the line, then they said ‘try harder’. they could not help me.
today, again, i called the hotline for 6 hours, the same thing.
it really pissed me off, if no one answers the hotline, why do you set it up. waste my time.