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Contract Cancellation / moving abroad

  • 18 December 2019
  • 3 Antworten
  • 782 Aufrufe

Greetings, I want to terminate my DSL contract as soon as possible, as I'm moving out of Germany next week.

I saw the requirements and I don't have a confirmation of my next domicile, and probably will be unable to provide one, at least for the time being. Can you please explain why on earth does O2 needs that information to cancel an internet contract? It just seems as mere unnecessary bureaucracy. Is the cancellation possible without this? Or will I have to pay for eternity? 

I will send the letter with everything else included.

Another question: Can I send the Router the same day as I send the letter? Or do I have to wait for a confirmation or something? Like I said before, I'm leaving next week therefore I can only send the router till then. 

Thank you!

3 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1

If you have opted for a contract without a minimum contract term with only 4 weeks notice at the end of the month (“Flex” contract), generally no documents other than your cancellation are necessary.


The following applies to term contracts:

You can cancel the contract at any time. However, the notice of termination must be given in compliance with the notice period (3 months for term contracts) and only becomes effective at the end of the agreed term. No bureaucracy or further information is required for normal termination, your declaration of intent in text form is sufficient. In the event of normal termination, the basic fee will be charged for the entire agreed remaining term of the contract.

To return the o2 rental router, please use the o2 DSL return portal.

Hi @Luis128,


thanks for your message.


Additionally to the information that @blablup gave concerning the normal cancellation periods, you have the possibility to cancel your contract before the normal end of the 24-month-duration because of moving abroad.


In this link you find the requested documents:


Please click there on the link: cancellation form for moving abroad

Instead of the registration note of your new domicile, you can send us alternatively a confirmation of your employer or landlord.


I hope this information is helpful for you.


Loving greetings,



Hi @Luis128,


did everything work well with the cancellation of your DSL-contract?


If you still have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here in our English community.


Loving greetings,


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