Hello @Jatin Bansal and welcome to our o2 communitxy :-)
As far as I can see you should already have recieved a notice that a cancelation to an earlier date is possible as soon as all necessary documents are provided. You will find a list of the needed documents in this PDF :-)
Yes, I have received the confirmation and I will send the Deregistration Letter as soon as I get it.
Do I need to send the Filled Form now or with the Deregistration Letter later?
Thank you for your help
Jatin bansal
Hello @Jatin Bansal,
you can send all documents in one go, so I suggest you send them as soon as you have the Deregistration letter :-)
Hello O2 Team,
I have sent the deregistration letter via Registered Post on 18th Nov.
I am not able to check the confirmation for cancellation.
Please confirm if my DSL connection is cancelled.
Thank you for your help,
Jatin Bansal
Hi @Jatin Bansal
your contract has been finished since December 3rd 2020. Your final invoice will be released within the next days.
Hi Team,
I have cancelled my contract in December’20.
WHy my mony is keep on deducting. In Jan’21 18 Euros were deducted and in Feb21 %8 Euro detucted.
Why it is so when I have serve my cancellation period.
Please return my money and provide a confirmation that no money will be deducted.
In Frb it 58 Euros, why such a huge amount?
Hi O2 Team,
I am still waiting for the answer.
Please respond.
Also, in the Bill it is said that the amount is deducted for the loaned device (Router).
But again, I have returned it as per the process prescribed by O2 tea.
Below is the copy of email confirmation I received:
“Liebe/r Jatin Bansal,
wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Bearbeitung Ihres Rücksendeauftrags XXXXXXXXXX für das Gerät mit der Seriennummer XXXXXXXXXX abgeschlossen ist.
Details zum Rücksendestatus können Sie unter Angabe der Serien- und der Auftragsnummer jederzeit einsehen.
Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team”
You can verify it by the Return Order Number
Edit o2_Lars: Never post any personal information in a public forum!
Hello @Jatin Bansal,
I informed my colleagues to have a look into the issue with the router that was returned. I am sure this soon will be solved :-)