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Change my personal details


I've just subscribed today at an o2 store for a Home M Flex contract for DSL internet, but when looking through my account i find some errors in the personal data that i would like to change :

- There is an accent on my first name, there shouldn't be.

- The registered phone number is made for germany (+49(0)1xxxxxxxxx), while my number is actually french (+33xxxxxxxxx). I'm not sure if the technician will be able to call me to install the DSL connection like this.

I can't install the O2 application yet (google app store refuses to change my country), so i don't see the option to change my personal data online. Is it possible ?

Thank you for the help and for your time.

Best regards

edit: o2_Gerrit 09.04.2024 17:53 Post moved to English O₂ Community: Broadband & Landline

4 Antworten

Hello @Elir,

welcome to our o2 Community 🙂

I have sent you a private message, please also write a short answer here when you have answered via private message.

The number we need to change, unfortunate that you cannot download the app in the store. If it is because of the country, that might leave open the possibility switching via VPN to Germany.

But there should also be the way for you to register via browser on our registration page for Mein o2.

Best Regards,



Hello @Elir,

I have sent you a private message where you can sent me an answer with the phone number via which the technician can reach you as you or someone authoirized by you has to be at the address on May 3rd from 12 - 16 hrs when the technician is scheduled to activate.

Best Regards,


Hello @Elir,

unfortunately our system does not allow for foreign numbers as contact number and automatically sets the 0049 in before.

Best Regards,


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