Warum O2

Cancellation of o2 contract please

Dear O2,

I am sorry to speak English here, I hope you would not at least. I have a problem with an O2 store in Berlin, which asked me to pay 120 euros in cash for having internet in my house., and it is not convenient for me, because I was not really informed about the bills. I would like to cancel the contract please. What should I do? Would it be possible if someone from the call center calls me?

Thank you.


edit o2_Vivian: verschoben von Homespot → o2 English Community

edit o2_Tobias: moved from “o2 English Community (mobile)” to “o2 English Community (DSL)”


Lösung von o2_Lars 11 January 2021, 20:28

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2 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +7

Have you been charged for something that was not in the contract you signed? If not then you will not be able cancel the contract until the end if the contract term.

If you want to speak to customer services you will need to call them.

Hello @Arunk and welcome to our o2 commnity :-)

I am sorry to hear that there were issues with the contract that you signed in oe of our shops. It is quite unusual for a shop to demand a payment in advance for just a contract. Did you maybe recieve hardware like a mobile device or some other device directly from the shop?

At least you should have recieved an receipt that states what the payment was for.

Did you maybe already have the oportunity to get in touch with our customer service regarding this issue and recieve answers to your questions? :-)



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