Warum O2

Cancellation of my DSL contract


I am planning to cancel my DSL contract from october 15th 2019 as I'll be moving out of my place where I presently stay in.
So what is the procedure that I need to follow to cancel it. please help out through this

Thank You,
Sachin Bhat

Lösung von blablup 3 September 2019, 13:37

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11 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1
Do you move to another place in Germany or do you leave Germany?

If you have opted for an o2 DSL contract with 4 weeks notice to the end of the month ("Flex"), you can terminate the contract in text form. The termination will take effect on October 31, 2019.
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
90345 Nürnberg

If you have chosen a term contract, it can only be terminated to the end of the term with a notice period of 3 months.
A special regulation exists only in case you move to an address, where your o2 DSL tariff can not be provided (for example abroad).
I am moving to another place in germany. But I'm not in need of DSL connection anymore so I would like to cancel it.

My contract ends on 11th october 2019. and it says notice period is upto 4 weeks.
So do I need to fill any application form and send it to the above address?
And also what do with the router?

let me know the procedure for both

Thank you,
Sachin Bhat
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1
Are you sure with the notice period? All o2 DSL runtime tariffs of the last years have a notice period of 3 months.

You don't have to use a form, but you can use this if you like:
Kündigungsvorlage für DSL-Verträge

If you have a router from o2, it must be returned to o2 at the end of the contract. Please use the return portal and keep the DHL receipt for at least 1 year.
Yeah.. because I had opted for o2 DSL flex M .
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1
Flex contracts can only be cancelled to the end of a month.
See terms& conditions:

Laufzeit / Kündigung
8.1 Verträge mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 24 Monaten verlängern sich nach Ablauf der Mindestlaufzeit um jeweils weitere 12 Monaten, soweit sie nicht mit einer Frist von 3 Monaten zum Ende der Mindestlaufzeit bzw. zum Ende einer jeweiligen Verlängerungsperiode gekündigt werden. Verträge ohne Mindestlaufzeit können jederzeit mit einer Frist von 4 Wochen zum Ende eines Kalendermonats gekündigt werden
This what my contract says.
So you mean I have to send the cancellation letter by the end of this month?

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1
There are 2 possible explanations for this:
The presentation in "Mein o2" is wrong.
You have no "Flex" contract but an old Alice term contract with a shorter notice period.

This is what my tarif is..
What do I do now?
Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1
Submit your cancellation and you will receive an answer with the date when your contract ends. I am quite sure that it will be the end of October.

Product information sheet for O2 DSL M Flex (2017)
Okay thank you☺️

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