Hello - I am a DSL client. I have an O2 account with my email and a password. I can login normally to the website, but I cannot see my tarifs or personal details. Each time I select an option, I get redirected to this URL: https://hilfe.o2online.de/. It is very frustrating. I cannot access my details on Mein O2 mobile app either, because when I try to login it says that my password is incorrect (which, again, works for the online site). I guess the mobile app issue might have to do with the fact that I could not confirm my e-mail address after I signed up for my DSL connection. The thing is: I cannot confirm my e-mail because the link provided redirects me to a broken site that apologies for a technical malfunction.
Please, help me. I has been two months now, and I am reconsidering changing companies because I cannot even see my bills. Thanks in advanced.
Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community