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Warum O2

Hello - I am a DSL client. I have an O2 account with my email and a password. I can login normally to the website, but I cannot see my tarifs or personal details. Each time I select an option, I get redirected to this URL: It is very frustrating. I cannot access my details on Mein O2 mobile app either, because when I try to login it says that my password is incorrect (which, again, works for the online site). I guess the mobile app issue might have to do with the fact that I could not confirm my e-mail address after I signed up for my DSL connection. The thing is: I cannot confirm my e-mail because the link provided redirects me to a broken site that apologies for a technical malfunction.

Please, help me. I has been two months now, and I am reconsidering changing companies because I cannot even see my bills. Thanks in advanced.


Edit by o2_Katja: Moved to our english community

Hello @lmagarinos thanks for writting us. is the page from our community. Please lockout and close this site, switch to and logIn with your dsl number or nickname.
Just for the case you haven´t registered your dsl contract on, please registrate your dsl contract first.

best regards 

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