Warum O2

Can't connect to my work VPN. Routing error

Since last Wednesday I can’t connect to my work VPN. IT at work found some really weird results on the traceroute data that seems to indicate my ISP (that’s O2) is doing some weird things.

This is blocking me really badly, and I’d love to hear some explanations about what’s going on. I have the traceroute data here, but I don’t think is a good idea to post it publicly. 

I’d love to get some support ASAP.

Diego Echeverri


Lösung von o2_Lars 26 August 2020, 16:28

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13 Antworten

I tried both from my phone AND DSL connection. The traceroute is sending the request through some weird places. Looks like ISP problem.


Benutzerebene 4

Buy a Fritzbox and all problems are solved

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +4

Which weird places?


Buy a Fritzbox and all problems are solved

That doesn’t make any sense. The problem happens with LTE as well.


Which weird places?


The traceroute:



Edit o2_Lars: Trace deleted on demand

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +4

Which target adress you seek to get?


southkorea, interesting.



Trying to connect to my work VPN. Here’s more relevant info.



Please, what’s going on?


Edit o2_Lars: Trace deleted on demand

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +4

That is beyond my knowledge


Edit o2_Lars: Trace deleted on demand


Hello @diegoeche and welcome to our o2 community :-)

There are a lot of things that may result in problems working with a VPN, but it should still work as long as the traffic reaches its destination.

I already wrote an eloquente answer, contacted an internal departement with a trace, did not send this answer , had a virtual meeting, came back to this page, thought that this is quite good since I already recieved an answer, refreshed and found that I did not answer in the first place. Well…

Okay, so forst of all, if you want to hide the traces that you made, just drop a short answer and I will happily do so.

The traces indeed look quite interesting, up to DE-CI in Frankfurt everything looks right, then off it goes to Korea, California, across the States and back to the East Coast.

That does not look quite alright, I guess a connection across the Atlantic would work better.

As mentioned before I informed an internal departement with the routing and I recieved an answer a short time later.

The technical departement raised a ticket against another departement that is responsible for the IP traffic and they will have a look into this as fast as possible.

Since there are many other possible reasons why a VOPN connection may fail please also keep on searching if there still may be a reason for this on your side or on the side of the companys VPN :-)



Thanks Lars.

Yes, I’d love if you delete those traces/domain names since I’m on a strict NDA policy.

So the crazy thing is that my company did check many VPNs and other remote workers have no problems. We tried the US/based one, the Netherlands-based one. And can’t connect always fails with a timeout. Can’t even access the server of the VPN through the browser (it timeouts). Doesn’t seem to be VPN but a network-layer issue in this case.

Thanks again for raising the issue, I’d appreciate any update.


Hello @diegoeche,

I deleted the traces. As soon as I recieve an update I will inform you :-)

I assume this will be tomorrow the earliest since my working hours just ran out…



Hello @diegoeche,

I just ran a traceroute and it seems like the routing is now working as it should. Please have a look at it and try if everything is working again :-)



Hello Lars.

Thanks so much for your support. Everything is now working! :)

As a Software Engineer, gotta say I’m super curious! Any idea what happened?

Anyway, thanks again to you and your team!

Hello @diegoeche and thanks for your feedback :-)

Glad to hear everything is up and running again and you can access your companys VPN again :-)

It looks like the routing to your companys network was kind of borked and took a wrong turn in DE-CIX, please don’t ask me, what the reason for this was I’m also sitting here scratching my head because the route was… well… really exotic.

Sometimes even the slightest changes have serious consequences, maybe someone somewhere made a typo and it was propagated through the BGP, I really don’t know the reason for this.

If any questions are left unanswered or if you just want some small talk, feel free to contact us, you know where to find us and we will try to answer as soon as possible :-)



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