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Warum O2

Greetings O2 English speaking community!

When I try to extend my DSL contract(O2 my Home M (2020) → 50 Mbps) with an upgraded tariff (O2 my Home M → but 100 Mbps, I believe they changed the names of tariffs) , I encounter with the following problem:
clicking Mein O2 > Meine Angebote > Speziell für deine Vertragsverlängerung > Jetzt Online verlängern,
I receive the following error:

Es gibt leider Probleme mit Ihren Kundendaten.

Wir versuchen das Problem so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.


How can I “complete” my data so I can extend my contract using meinO2?
I have also seen the forum users extending contract via moderator/aid people offering help here, I am also fine with that.

Please note that my current contract runs until 6 December 2023, meaning I would be upgrading my tariff before the end of my contract.

Hello @JamesSunderland ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

DSL contracts can generally not be changed or extended through the app, this has to be performed from our side. You just want to switch into the current my Home M with the upgraded speed or is there anything else that we should pay attention to with our offer?


Kind regards, Sven

Yes, I want to increase my network speed to 100 Mbps, but also, I don't want to extend my contract for two years. I am looking for speed increase.

@JamesSunderland Unfortunately, that won't work. Fixed-term contracts, where the 24 months are not yet over, can only be changed to a fixed-term contract with a restart of the contract term by 24 months. What will work. Wait until December 6, 2023 and then switch to a my Home M Flex (100 Mbit) here in the community. The flex contracts have no term and can be terminated monthly.

Dear @JamesSunderland ,

as @Joe Doe correctly pointed out, an increase in speed in a current contract can only take place through a contract extension. This means that the contract term would start all over again for 24 months. Would you like to receive such an offer?

Kind regards,


Dear @JamesSunderland ,

unfortunately, I have not received any feedback from you. Do you want to extend the contract or leave it as it is?

Kind regards,


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