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Warum O2


so far I have been using DSL with a possibility to cancel it monthly. Paying 29.9 Eur.

I want to switch to anual subscriptions which costs 19.9 Eur same package (50 mb/s).

Is it possible to just switch or I need first to cancel the current one and then order the new one?

If it has to be cancelled and ordered the new subscription, I can't do it, since I'm sure it will require some weeks of waiting time.

Does all packages come with Netflix subscription?



Moved to our english community by o2_Katja

The price for o2 my Home contracts is the same regardless of whether it is a contract with or without a minimum contract period - see price list.


Hi @Tim_Geo3 ,


thanks for your interest! We’ll gladly send you an offer for a contract extension. We’ll also try to include the “Stream Team”, o2TV and Netflix.

We’ll keep you posted here after we’ve sent the extension offer 😊

Best regards,


Hello @Tim_Geo3 , 

before we can send you an offer i have a few questions: 

  • is your deposited email-adress still up to date?
  • do you need a router for rent or do you already have one ?


Best regards, 


Hello @Tim_Geo3 ,

So far, you haven't answered my colleague's questions. Are you interested in an extension offer?

Best regards, Maria

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