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Warum O2


Following some incredibly poor service in an O2 shop, and a lengthy saga which we won’t rehash here, we’re trying to understand our latest O2 HomeSpot bill, which is 220€ higher than expected. This is down to the following two items:

  1. Tarifwechselgebühr - 05.12.2021 - 100€
  1. Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen - 07.12.2021 - 121€

We immediately sent a letter about it to the O2 Kundebetreuung, explaining our larger situation, as we felt these charges were unclear, and we had not been warned about them in the shop.

After a 15 day wait for a reply, it finally arrived yesterday. It told us that we were warned about the Tarifwechselgebühr in an email from the 05.12.2021. It did not explain anything else.

We checked our emails, and did in fact receive the aforementioned email. We obviously didn’t read it carefully enough, so that’s on us. However, the same email also mentions a 50€ Rabatt auf Router Anschlusspreis, which is not included in our bill.

We’d really like an explanantion of:

  1. Where did the 50€ Rabatt go from our email on 05.12.21?
  2. Where did the Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen come from?

Would one of you be able to help us? Thank you

Hi @Camarasaurus ,


thanks for your patience! I do have a bit of a different opinion on the matter, let me explain that:

The shop sent a request to change your contract to the Flex-variant, our Shop-department took on that matter and set things up.

Following that, the mentioned “Tarifwechselgebühr” was charged, as well as the “Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen”.

Since the contract was supposed to be a flex variant from the beginning (that’s how I read it), the “Tarifwechselgebühr” seems incorrect to me.

The “Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen” is a bit of a strange Name for what it actually is: This item reprensents the combined costs of the “Anschlusspreis Internet & Festnetz” and the “Anschlusspreis Option o2 HomeSpot”.

Flex-Variants variants do get charged for those, while the 24-month variant benefited from a discount. Since the contract was meant to be the Flex-Variant from the start, the services charges were reinstated. The discount you’ve mentioned carried over from the 24-month variant, those items stay on the contract for 1 Month (you can see it being used in the first bill). This discount, however, did not apply to the reinstated activation fees, since those were combined into one (as I mentioned above), 

While I don’t like to disagree with my co-workers, in this case I have to. The “Tarifwechselgebühr” is in fact not correct, which is why I’ve requested a refund for that. 

Please let us know your opion on that. I hope, that this explains it a bit more. If you have further questions, please let us know here.


Best regards,

Hi @o2_Kurt ,

Thank you for taking the time to reply and explain everything to us. It was really helpful, and we understand it a lot better now.

Thank you for also requesting the refund already. My understanding of what will happen now is we’ll get a refund of €100 for the “Tarifwechselgebühr”, and we’ll still be paying the roughly €120 for the “Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen”. Is that correct, and do you know how long the refund will take to process?

Thanks again for your help,


Hi @Camarasaurus ,


My understanding of what will happen now is we’ll get a refund of €100 for the “Tarifwechselgebühr”, and we’ll still be paying the roughly €120 for the “Gebühr für Wiederaufbuchung der Sonderkonditionen”. Is that correct, and do you know how long the refund will take to process?

That is correct. It can take a little while, because it needs to be approved. I’d count on early next week :hugging:

You’re very welcome! :hugging:

Best regards,

That’s great, thank you so much! Have a lovely rest of the week.



Hi @Camarasaurus ,


the refund went through and has been already used for the last billing cyvle. The next bill will show all transactions in Details.

Please let us know here, if there are any questions left :hugging:

Best regards,

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