Warum O2

Alternative router return methods

At the time of writing this question the contract for my DSL landline will end on the 30th of January. As part of this contract I got sent a router by O2 which i'm expected to return to them. Based on earlier questions surrounding the specific of my contracts I have been told that I need to fill in and print out a form regarding the return of the router and include it in a postal package.

I was however wonder if its possible/allowed for me if instead of mailing it to O2, if I could simply return it to the nearest O2 store in-person? Given past experiences I do not have fond memories of using the German postal services to send valuables and I assume there is some deposit on the router which I would like back. 

I would be interested to hear from either someone that has encountered a similar situation or anyone from O2 that knows the specifics of the return process.


Cheers, Rein


Edit o2_Sven 07.01.2024/15:01: Moved thread from o2 Home: Vertrag & Tarife to English o2 Community: Broadband

8 Antworten

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1

You don’t need to print out anything. Simply use the returns portal (the "Rücksendung Router" button), where you will receive a free mobile parcel label for DHL. Please keep the proof of receipt from DHL for a long time. 

There is no deposit on routers, so you won't get anything back. If you do not return the device, you will be charged the value of the device as compensation by o2. 

DHL parcels are insured. If the parcel is lost in transit, you will not suffer any damage. Therefore, please remember to keep the DHL proof of receipt for a long time.

Nein, Leihgeräte können nicht  über einen Shop zurück gegeben werden ... mach das, wie vorgesehen, über das Rücksende-Portal 


und bewahre dir den Rücksende-/Einlieferungsbeleg gut auf! ​​​​

Hello @Rein_Kieb ,

as has been written already here by blablup and Sächsin, please don’t try and return the hardware by going to an o2 Shop. Please use the online return portal for this, if you do need any help with it, let us know.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @o2_Sven and everyone else

I'll use the return portal then. I do want to ask how exactly does the return procedure work and can I already aqcuire the shipping label in advance or should I do this on the day that I wish to return it?


Kind regards, Rein

Benutzerebene 7
Abzeichen +1

The mobile parcel label is valid for 30 days. 
If you have any questions about the returns process, please read the FAQ provided in the returns portal.

Hello @Rein_Kieb 

Could you already register and return your router via our webpage?



Hey @o2_Gerrit

I have registered my return, I will be visiting my local DHL post-office and sending back the router tomorrow. As long as everything works out with the QR on my phone I think i'm good.




Hello @Rein_Kieb 

That sounds good, when everything succeeds at DHL keep the return confirmation from DHL until you receive confirmation from us about the return of the router 🙂



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