I have 2 x o2 DSL My Home, which are o2 DSL My Home M from Berlin ( I tried to close/kundigung and ordered new one) and new one o2 DSL My Home L in Köln. I have only 1 router.
The problem is I can not use both of them in Köln. Router connected to Berlin but I live in Köln. Telekom stuff came and setup the cable connection for o2 DSL My Home L in Köln but still I dont use them.
I went to O2 shop and they did something DSL Umzug I am totally lost in comunication. I want to close old one and continue with new one.
But nobody has a solution in O2 Hotline even I called many times. Please help me, what should I do now?
Thank you,
Edit by o2_Steffen: Beitrag verschoben von o2 my Home nach English o2 Community: Broadband & Landline