Warum O2

internet pack data roaming not working

hi, hoping someone can help, I was in munich recently and purchased an o2 XL package as well as 60EU worth of internet packs for travel through Europe, I have an iPhone 5 with data roaming turned on, while I was in germany the data worked fine no problem but as soon as I crossed the border cellular has died, I was assured it would work, this is the 3rd sim card now that was meant to work and hasnt, logging in to my account says I have the pack and its active but it doesnt work, anyone help?




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4 Antworten



please check the settings in your iPhone. Specially those for the Internet must be correct abroad:


Mobile Daten

APN: internet

Benutzername: (empty)

Passwort: (empty)



APN: internet

Benutzername: (empty)

Passwort: (empty)

MMSC: [color=#0086c3][/color]


Max. Nachrichtengröße: 307200



Persönlicher Hotspot: (falls vorhanden)

APN: internet

Benutzername: (empty)

Passwort: (empty)

hi fox, I have those settings, still the same nothing, the internet does not work, I am in france at the moment, traveling to spain later today

and i get this message each time i enter a new country for that country


"datenroaming in Frankreich kostet in Ihrem tarif 1,99 EU pro tag. Schone reise wunscht ihren 02"


very disappointing to say the least so far, having paid 85 EU for the service which only worked in germany and I was advised it would throughout europe, not very happy.

Benutzerebene 7
Hello mvettas,


the settings for prepaid contracts are:


Mobile Daten

APN: pinternet.interkom.de

Benutzername: (empty)

Passwort: (empty)