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Welcome to our english speaking O₂ Hotline

Welcome to our english speaking O₂ Hotline

Wir erweitern unsere Kontaktmöglichkeiten und bieten eine englische Hotline für nicht-deutschsprachige Kunden an, die euch bei euren Fragen und Anliegen hilfreich und persönlich zur Seite steht.

Wahrscheinlich hat es jeder bereits einmal erlebt wie herausfordernd es sein kann, Vertragsangelegenheiten oder ähnliches in einer Sprache zu klären die einem weniger geläufig ist.

Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr, dass wir für alle Kunden und Interessenten, welchen Englisch leichter fällt als Deutsch, eine eigene englischsprachige Hotline bieten. Ganz ohne deutsche Ansagen oder Durchstellen erreicht ihr direkt einen Ansprechpartner.

Unsere englische Hotline erreicht ihr Montag bis Freitag von 10 Uhr bis 18 Uhr unter der Rufnummer  089 6666 300 81. 

Bitte beachtet, dass zunächst keine Prepaidanfragen bearbeitet werden können. Wir informieren euch, sobald die Themengebiete erweitert werden.

Weiterer englisch-sprachiger Support

Unsere englische Hotline ist nicht der einzige Anlaufpunkt für nicht-deutschsprachige Nutzer. Seit Jahren findet ihr Unterstützung in unserer English Community. Hier stehen euch zahlreiche Communitymitglieder und o2 Moderatoren zu jedem Thema mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Im Laufe der Zeit sind viele hilfreiche Artikel entstanden und werden stetig erweitert.

Zusätzlich haben bereits einige unserer hilfreichsten o2 My Service Videos englische Untertitel erhalten, ihr findet sie alle übersichtlich auf unserer Videoseite: o2 Video Support in English

Our English speaking support

We started our english speaking hotline to address your concerns regarding tariffs, ordered hardware or technical difficulties.

If you’re already using the Mein o2 App, you can now contact our English support hotline directly from the App. You can access the hotline via Menü → Hilfe & Kontakt → Hotline

If you are frequently visiting our forums you might have noticed that we already have an english community and a broad range of helpful articles. We also have helpful videos on our YouTube-Channel “Helping Hands” with english subtitles. If you prefer to speak with the customer service please call 089 6666 300 81 and our colleagues will gladly assist you. If you’re looking for prepaid support, which our hotline does not cover yet, please visit the mobile board for prepaid topics in our english community.

Feel free to write us your experiences with our english hotline. If you have feedback regarding our FAQ please let us also know.

Titelbild: o2

Aktualisiert am 19.10.2023 von o2_Rebecca

:thumbsup: super

I sehe vermutlich etwas nicht oder übersehe hier etwas.

Die Hotline gibt es doch schon etwas länger, oder`? 


Hallo zusammen :)

@tearsbeforecrying jap, das ist richtig. Deswegen darf ein News-Beitrag ja auch nicht fehlen. :wink:


​​​o2 I’m so happy about this. I hope this will be of benefit to O2 hopefully the demand for new customers will increase as a result. O2 is really improving in all sectors. Who knows O2 will be the king of mobile networks and take the number one place.

Edit 25.06.2024 o2_Katja: Zitat entfernt

Hi @justcrosby,

thank you for your feedback. I (we) hope this will help all customers to find a more compfortable access if german isn’t the native language.

Best regards,


I just wanted to let you know that the existence of the English speaking service has been the reason why I have moved froma virtual operator using the O2 network to the real O2. It feels like a luxury to be able to speak English when you are not a German speaker! Thank you!

Hi @Telefonico  and welcome to our Community 💙

Thank you so much for your feedback 🤗 although i hope you don’t have to contact our support hotline, i’m glad you’re happy with the service we provide.

Kind regards, Rebecca

It’s July 2023. Technical issues yet not addressed here.,, what a shame!

Hello @n4nova and welcome to our community 💙

This article is about our English speaking support and how to reach them. 

Which technical issues are you referencing? Is there a technical problem with one of the contacts from our article? 

Kind regards, Rebecca

My router was not working and I tried to reach English speaking hotline number few days back. They registered my complain and then asked me to speak in German or  to come back with a German speaking person. I don’t know what to make out of it. Honestly, pathetic!

Hello @n4nova 🙂

sorry for the late reply. Did you call our technical support for issues regarding your landline connection? Is your router still unable to establish a connection or is it working now?


Best regards,


Our english speaking hotline now covers now in addition to mobile contracts support for customers with landline tarrifs, too. 🙂


Nice o2 . 👍  

However, I recommend running the o2 my service app before reporting a fault for (V)DSL and cable. The o2 customer receives a pre-ticket number and the service agent already has some information.


Thank you @Joe Doe for the great suggestion with the o2 my service app☝️😊

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This number doesnt work? Does it need to be dialled as an international number?


Hi @EMcHugh 🙂

did you call the number bielo mentioned? If so, can you please tell us what happened after you called the hotline? 


Best regards,


I am using prepaid version, I need help for my payment but there is no help in English for predaids, it is only in German. When I call the English callcenter they told me to find someone talks in German and want help from them but I am here for only 2 more weeks and I do not know anyone talks in German. Is there another solution?

Hello @aysenursut,

welcome to our community. 😀

If you want, you can post your issue with prepaid in our english community. An english speaking moderator will answer you after looking into it. 🙂

Best regards,


Hello is there someone I can DM or email for an English speaker? I am not currently in the EU and have an issue I would like to ask about. 



Just post your issue in the English community:

Alternatively you can use the contact form:

Hello @KikiLee,

welcome to our community. 😊

Just write us in the english community which bs0 linked and a moderator will take a look into the issue. 

Best regards,


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