Hallo und Willkommen in unserer Community @Manesh ,
toll, dass du den Weg zu uns gefunden hast. Verstehe ich richtig, dass du deine SIM-Karte bereits erhalten hast, aber zu deiner Handybestellung bisher noch nichts gehört hast?
Konntest du vielleicht über unsere Kundenbetreuung etwas in Erfahrung bringen? Oder eine E-Mail ist im SPAM-Ordner gelandet?
Viele Grüße
Thank you so much for your reply,
Yes, I received my sim card a week ago but still didn't get any update regarding my phone.
It is really hard to contact customer services.
Try to contact me by phone it's hard. I tried WhatsApp to reach out to the services but not really possible.
when I write something in What up. they send me the link. It's an O2 website.
I checked the spam folder but have not received anything, Kindy would like to ask you that any update on my phone it's been 2 weeks now.
The website shows the phone is available imidate but
Please help me out with this Issue.
With kind regards,
Manesh Krishnan
Your credit rating probably wasn't good enough to get the device. 30 days plus is an unusually long period for delivery.
Hello @Manesh,
I just wanted to ask if you have already been able to reach someone from our customer support regarding your smartphone order?
Or have you possibly received a notification regarding your smartphone in the meantime?
Best regards