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No connection, terminate my O2 contract

Dear O2,

At this moment I am half way my 2 year contract. I would really like to terminate the contract. Simply because it is useless. I don`t have any connection at work. Since I am at work on average 9 hours a day. I am not using all my GBs because most part of the day I am reliable on WiFi.

Is there any way to solve this problem, to terminate the contract so I can look for a provider that offers internet at my work?

I hope you can help me.

Hey@TPost and welcome to O₂ your community. :slight_smile:

You can cancel your contract at the end of the contract. The easiest way is to cancel your contract in writing and send the cancellation to your customer service by fax. After receiving your notice of customer service, you will receive a confirmation. 

Would you like to take your phone number before the end of the contract to another provider, then write and please in the termination letter to release your phone number.

Please note that you must cancel 3 months before the end of the contract, otherwise the contract will automatically be extended by 12 months.

send Fax 01805571766

Best regards, :jack_o_lantern:



As I said I cannot use my contract. It is USELESS. Like I am paying for nothing. I cannot use your services. I do not want to pay any longer for something I cannot use. I pay O2 monthy for internet connection with 20GB of data but that is not what O2 provides. There is no service at my work.


I am sure there should be a way to terminate my contract if the provider does not provide their services at the location or lets say if the costumer cannot use their services.


I need to change provider in order to use my phone during work and I am not paying two contracts because O2 does not cover service at my location.

Dear @TPost,

welcome to the o2 community!

While I can understand your frustration if the network coverage at a particular spot is not how it should ideally be, from what I can see things are not that bad at all:

The coverage at your work is not something we can take care of directly, especially if we’re talking about coverage inside buildings, since in those cases the building may have a shielding effect by itself.

Additionally, our provided service is not bound to a specific location, so until you have no coverage whatsoever anywhere, it is a provided service.

You pay for a data volume of 10 GB per month, which I can see you actually use regularly (e.g. 3.3 GB in this month so far).

And you also have a double discount on your tarif, so your contract is a pretty nice deal, I’d say.

Best regards,

Deine Antwort