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O2 Unlimited Max 2021 for €29.99 contract extension

Hello Community. 

I would like to ask a question about 

O2 Unlimited Max (2021) Tariff for €29.99,

so, I signed contract with O2 for

Unlimited Max (2021) Tariff on 18.05.2022 with a

recommandation from my friend that was using 

O2 for a long time DSL Home Internet and he gave me a code for a 50% off of the contract for a friend recommandations which is amazing, so instead of

paying €59.99/monthly, I pay only €29.99. 

Time of that year came where I can now extend my contract and I would like really to stay with O2 if I

can get the same offer O2 Unlimited Max (2021) package instead of paying €59.99 I pay €29.99.

Before I signed the contract with O2 for 02 Unlimited Max (2021) I called and asked support team from 

O2 if I sign the contract for the same Tariff for 24 month and I pay €29.99/monthly, will I get the same price after & same package after the contract expires cuz' I got O2 Recommanded by my friend and simply,

operator told me YES, after this contract expires you'll get the same Tariff & package for the same price €29.99/monthly instead of paying €59.99/monthly

so 50% discount code stays valid as long as I stay 

by O2.


I'm wondering where I can extend my contract now without getting scammed by O2 sneaky operators

to sign something different & pay more for less.

There is a lot of storys that I heard Idk if it's true 

but still I wouldn't like to be scammed but I

want to extend my contract for the same

price & same product that you guys offer.


Can we get in-touch & discuss, either over E-Mail

(English), better in written form?


o2_Giulia, 01.07.2024, 08:29: verschoben von O₂ Mobilfunk: Vertrag & Tarife zu English O₂ Community: Mobile

Hello @Ibrahim_Kesetovic ,

welcome to the o2 Community 💙.

I’m happy to hear that you are content with us and want to extend your contract with us. With your current setup though there is no need to do so. Even after the normal contract duration runs out your contract will still continue just with a monthly duration and the discount that you are receiving on it is not time limited, so you’ll be paying the same monthly price for it as you do now.


Kind regards, Sven

Hello @o2_Sven,

thank you so much for helping me figure out everything woth O² Tariffe Unlimited Max.

I almost got scammed by some random call from 

O² saying that they have a better tariffe for me which 

was 140 GB of Internet but I guess Unlimited is much better and they wanted to scamm me in order to change my tarriffe which I hang up my call and

didn't wan't to answer anymore on this

phone numbers. 

I guess that was some of your collegues trying to trick me or something but if I don't need to do anything to

go in O² service and extend contract or something

then I'll leave it like this, as it is!…

€29.99 is a great price, new S24 Ultra Handy I already bought over the Samsung Shop directly so I don't

need anything from O². 

It would be nice if you can mark inside the O² system to not get a calls for extending my contract cuz' some of

your collegues are really boring and keep calling me

10x a day when I'm at work. 🤕

Could you do this favore for me and mark a note or something in O² system so they know that 

IT'S ALL ALRIGHT and I'll be your user and everything so they don't bother me anymore?…

is this possible?…

I would appreciate it! Thank you so much!…


Best regards:

Mr. Ibrahim Kesetovic


Hello @Ibrahim_Kesetovic, 👋😊

I have just changed the settings for you so that you will no longer receive calls about personalized offers from us.

I have also added a special note stating that you do not want to receive any more calls from us.

I hope this is all okay with you. 👍

Best regards 💙



I have the same contract and an o2 employee told me that when 2 year contract expires, I am gonna be charged 59.99. is it true?

Hello @orophin94 😊

it depends if you have lifetime discounts or discounts which are valid for 24 month. In your invoices there should be an expiration date if your discount is limited to 24 month. If thats the case, the full fee will be charged after the two years, except you ask for a contract extension (another 24 month) and the contract gets another discounts.

Best regards,


Can you help me to check it? I can send my invoice via an email.

Hello @orophin94,

do you want to know your discount for your phone number ending with -35? If so, I can take a look, no need to send invoices. 😊

Best regards,


Yes please. Actually I just called o2 and they told me they are going to extend the same contract with same price. Can you check if that is what they have done?

Hello @orophin94,

sure. Yes, your contract is now valid till the 28th of June 2026. The discount will also remain, but there's a catch: please don't change the tariff, otherwise the discount will be removed after two years. 😉

Maybe there will be similar or better discounts, but if you want to keep this one, just don't touch the tariff. 😄

Best regards,


The same contract right? I was getting 500 mbit speed but it says now its not available but only 300 mbit is available. And also, was he right? Would my discount dissappear if I didnt extend it? And lastly, should I extend again in 2026?

Hello @orophin94,

yes, it's the same tariff, but the bandwith changed in general to 300 mbit max. for our tariffs. If you do nothing, the discount will not disappear and is valid beyond the two years.

And lastly, should I extend again in 2026?

It's a great discount, but I would recommend you send us a message here before your contract is running out, so we can check the current offers of 2026 to compare your tariff with the new ones - just in case there are maybe even better tariffs/discounts. 🙂

Best regards,



Thank you, but I was getting 400+ mbit speed at my home. It will be a downgrade for me anyway. 

Hello @orophin94,

wow, that's a nice net coverage which makes it a bit of a trade off with a lower bandwith but same discount. I would still keep the tariff, because at the moment there is no faster mobile tariff anyway and the discount is very good right now.

Best regards,


Hello @orophin94,

wow, that's a nice net coverage which makes it a bit of a trade off with a lower bandwith but same discount. I would still keep the tariff, because at the moment there is no faster mobile tariff anyway and the discount is very good right now.

Best regards,


Thank you very much.

You're welcome @orophin94. Have a nice weekend. 🤗

To be honest I am really annoyed for downgrading my contract. I was told on the phone that I was going to get same speed. I wondee what would happen if I didnt extend my contract. Is cancellation possible?

Hi @orophin94 ,

sorry to hear that. Have you noticed a difference in your daily usage? 
Regarding the extension: Yes, you can withraw from the extension within 14 days after the change (which are still not over). The tariff will then be returned to its previous state, the extension will be cancelled leaving your contract with the original runtime. You can withdraw via mail to

Best regards

I want to change my iban address to a Belgium iban. How can I do that? I already filled a form but I dont know where to send or how to send.

Hello @orophin94 😊

did you fill this form to change your IBAN? Then there is the address in the upper left corner.

A faster way to change the IBAN is to login in the My o2 App where you can change the IBAN immediately (the change will take effect within 24 hours).

Best regards,


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