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New phone delivered to wrong address and unknown person!

I started a new contract with O2, including new tariff and new phone. After ordering I realised that O2 still had my old address. I tried to update to my new address in the app, also website, but I kept getting an error message, I have the screenshots. I informed O2 that the address was wrong, I received a message from DHL saying that the delivery had failed. O2 told me that the phone would be back with them in 2 days and then, they could send it to the right address. I also managed to update my address in the app at last. I was confident that the phone would then be re-delivered to my current address. Suddenly, I get a message from DHL saying that the phone was successfully delivered to “someone in the buliding”! (I also have screenshots).

I had to go all the way to my old address and look for this person who apparently received the phone, this person’s name is not on any of the doorbells. I even asked a resident there who told me that they have never heard of this person. So, who got my phone?!

Why did O2 not communicate to DHL that the phone was meant to be returned to them so they could send it to the right address?!

Trouble is, I don’t even have a phone at the moment that I can use to call the O2 hotline, that’s why I need a phone urgently.

PLEASE give me a solution!

Hi @WolfThib,


thanks for your message.


I regret that the first order of the Samsung S10 in blue was delivered to your old address.


I have sent a message via @o2_Support to you. Please reply there to my private message.


Thanks a lot.


Loving greetings,


The issue is not yet resolved. I contacted O2 hotline to give the correct delivery address, which is a work address. Somehow, the person who took the address omitted many important details about the address. The delivery of the phone was attempted this Monday, but of course, it failed, because neither the name of the company, nor the building number/floor was included.

I have given you now the full address again via private message. Is the phone going to be finally delivered there?

Hi @WolfThib ,


thanks for you pn. You can check the status from the new delivery order from yesterday here: Lieferstatus.




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