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Mobilfunknummer wurde deaktiviert!

Hey O2 Team,

Kindly I need your help for my mobile phone number that was unfortunately deactivated by your side couple of days ago probably for contract expiry!

Since I’m abroad travelling these days and would be out of Germany till beginning of February so my question is:

  1. Is it possible to renew/ extend or choose new contract online or following your help assistance?
  2. If not and I’d wait till February to choose a new contract, is my number will still be the same till then which is the most important thing for me saving my number!

Thanks in Advance 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

thanks for your message.

If you like I can reactivate your contract for you with the same mobile phone number.

Afterwards, we can speak about a new offer for your contract.

Shall I initiate the reactivation for you? It is free of charge. If you wait until February, the reactivation will not be possible and your number will be gone.

Please let me know in your reply also how much data volume you need and if you like to have a device with it.

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

Many thanks for your prompt reply and helpful answer :-)

Yes, I'd like to reactivate my number again then we could negotiate a new contract offer afterwards.

For now while being abroad I'm not using data roaming internet.

However when I'll be back again and from 1st of February I might need like 6 - 8 GB of mobile internet and not so sure yet if I might need a mobile device with it.


M. Yonuss
Hi @iSchnappi,

thanks for your quick reply.

I reactivated your contract now.

If you like to receive an offer for the 1st February, please contact us here in our English community at the end of January.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

Only now my phone is working again! Thanks so much for your great help and kind assistance :-)

I'd contact you again by end of January or pass by any O2 shop store.

Thanking you once again 🙂
Hey again Tobias!

Just a small question ...






3 Monat(e) zum Vertragsende

spätester Kündigungstermin:


Is that means I can't change my contract plan by end of January??!
Hi @iSchnappi,

great that the reactivation of your contract was done so quickly.

Concerning your duration: Do not worry. You are at the moment in an automatic extension of 12 months. Therefore, you can extend your contract at any time.

Just come back to our English community at the time you like to extend your contract. We will then make a good offer for you.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias!

It's me again ... Pleas the SMS is not working after reactivating my contract! could you please check the service for me?

With Many Thanks 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

what do you mean exactly by "SMS is not working"?

Do you mean that you can´t send a SMS to another person?

Or do you mean that you do not get any SMS?

Or do you mean that you are not informed by SMS about incoming calls?

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

Simply I'm not able to get/ receive any SMS from any sender e.g. activation codes or O2 messages notifications and so on ...

I didn't try to send tho. but I'm facing a problem in receiving!

Thanks once again 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

thanks for this information.

I just have activated the "info-SMS" for you.

Additionally, please check on which of your multicards you receive SMS-messages. Please go to the multicard-configurations: under the point "SIM-Karte verwalten".

I suppose that you just need to change your multicard-configurations a bit.

Loving greetings,

Hi @iSchnappi,

is everything now okay?

Do you receive also sms-messages?

I hope everything is fine now.

If not, please let me know.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

All good and working now! Thanks so much 🙂

Just keep receiving a reminder email from O2 Team concerning "Erinnerung: Dein Nachweis für den Junge Leute-Tarif" but since the Ausbildungsnachweis is not available to me now so I can't show it/ upload to the O2 system. Moreover I'd renew to a new contract by end of January when I'm back to Berlin ...

So could you possibly help to ignore this reminder email?

Thanks once again 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

thanks for your reply.

If you like we can speak about a nice offer.

What do you think about that?

Just let me know how much data-volume you need and if you would like to order a device additionally.

I look forward to your reply.

Loving greetings,

Hi @iSchnappi,

until now, I did not receive a reply from you.

If you would like to get an offer, just let me know it here in our English community.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

Yes, we've talked about that earlier and sure I'm still interested to renew my contract and to get a new offer. Only thing I've to wait till I'll come back to Berlin in January and after the vacations since I might be interested in a new phone with the offer as well.

Thanks in advance 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

okay, then I will have some patience. 😉

Just come back to our English community in January.

Loving greetings,

Hey Tobias,

As we've discussed earlier, I'd like to renew my contract now.

As I'll be back to Berlin by next week and would like to hear a nice offer from you.

Mainly I'd be interested in 6GB as a minimum mobile data.

So would be nice to hear from you how much would it cost me with & without a new device. Preferably some catchy offer with a nice new iPhone ;)

Have a lovely weekend 🙂
Hi iSchnappi,

at the moment we have a cool offer with the iPhone X + o2 Free M (10GB) and a monthly discount of 15,00 EUR.

o2 Free M (14,99 EUR)+ iPhone X 64GB (35,00 EUR) = 49,99 EUR montly plus a onetime payment of 49,00 EUR for the phone.

Pursuant to the decree of transparency I need to inform you about our tariff leaflets which you can download here: There you'll find all details of the product listed.

I can also look for discounts with the new iPhone Xs/Xs Max, but the highest discount will be for the iPhone X mentioned above. ;)

Best regards,

Hey Michi :-)

Many thanks for your offer and kind help!

However this would be a bit too much for me to pay monthly. so could we still check on a better offer with/ without a smartphone then I can make my mind on it.

Thanks once again ...
Hi @iSchnappi,

the offer from last month is no longer valid, I'm afraid. Currently the o2 Free M all by itself would be 29,99 EUR per month.

If you decide to take the offer, we could arrange the change of tariff for you.

Best regards,

Hey Jan,

Thanks for your reply!

That's still a bit too much as I thought the O2 Free M would cost me only 14.99 EUR since that's an offer for O2 customer so I am for more than 3 years now.

Moreover my friend is paying only 12.99 EUR for the exact same M offer!

What do you think ...

Have a lovely one 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

the offer you're referring to is for o2 customers who choose a second contract (Partnerkarte).

Also, every customer gets an individual offer for their respective contract. This can vary due to numerous parameters.

At the moment this is all I can offer you, I'm afraid.

Best regards,

Hey Jan 🙂

Many thanks for your offer!

Meanwhile I'd be willing to accept the 29,99 EUR per month or a little bit more only if it comes with a smart phone and preferably an apple iPhone.

If not, so only a very standard 10 EUR basic offer instead.

Thanking you once again,

I remain 🙂
Hey 🙂

Kindly I'd be more than happy hearing an answer back from you ...

Have a lovely one 🙂
Hi @iSchnappi,

unfortunately I cannot make you a different offer, and since our contracts start with 19,99 EUR per month (o2 Free S with 1 GB), I'm sorry I cannot offer you any contract close to 10 EUR.

BUT I see that just a few days ago your data volume has been upgraded to 60 GB total.

Frankly I would just keep this until your current contract gets closer to an end, because no offer we could make you with that data volume can currently compete with that.

Best regards,


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