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I got two sim cards

Last month I activated a sim card and got another one in the mail, I haven’t tocuched it and I won’t but I don’t know If i will get any charges for it and how can i cancel it, i just want to keep one and which one should i keep?


edit o2_Tobias: transferred to English community mobile


To use a prepaid card, you first have to register and activate it with your ID. Just like you did with the first prepaid card, you have to do it with every prepaid card.
If you do not activate the prepaid card, nothing can happen. 

It’s just the one that they sent in the mail said “POSTPAID SIM WL” I haven’t touched it, I don’t know what will happen, didn’t activated it or anything.


To use a prepaid card, you first have to register and activate it with your ID. Just like you did with the first prepaid card, you have to do it with every prepaid card.
If you do not activate the prepaid card, nothing can happen. 


You write here on the prepaid board.


last month i activated a prepaid sim card, put my sepa data and all and then i got an email and another sim card that i haven’t touched since, I don’t want it, am i getting charged for it? can i cancel it? 


the email said: 

Bald ist es so weit
Wir haben Ihre SIM-Karte gerade versendet

    Hallo wir haben Ihre bestellte SIM-Karte an die Deutsche Post übergeben. Sie trifft in den nächsten Tagen bei Ihnen ein.


Menge    Artikel

Bitte beachten Sie:

•    Nach Erhalt können Sie Ihre neue SIM-Karte bequem aktivieren.
•    Für Ihre neue SIM-Karte können ggf. Servicegebühren anfallen.

Freundliche Grüße
Ihr o2 Team


Edit by o2_Andrea: verschoben zu English o2 Community: Mobile

Hi @edi123,


welcome to our English community. Thanks for contacting us here concerning your issue.


It seems that you have activated a postpaid-card. Can you tell me what kind of tariff you ordered. Please let me know the name of your tariff. Probably you still have a confirmation of your order. Please do not mention personal data here, as this is a public community.


I look forward to your reply.


Loving greetings,



Hi @o2_Tobias I have the emails and the mail with the card, it says “O2 Free M Flex Online”

Hi @edi123 ,


that is definitly a contract.

A conctract which can be cancelled withing 30 Days, sure, but a contract nonetheless.

Have you activated the SIM-Card, yet?


If so, feel free to register the number which has been sent to you via SMS here:

Mein o2


Since you already have an account, try using a different browser so you don´t run into problems regarding the passwords.


After you´ve completed the registration, you´ll have full accesss to your specific contract details.

Have you also received mails regarding the order itself?

If you didn´t want to order this contract, you may be able to use your right to cancel (if you are still within 14 days).

Otherwise, you´d need to send in a regular cancellation in order to terminate the contract.


Viele Grüße,


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