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I don't have maximum internet bandwith

Dear O2,

I have  Free Unlimited Max Online contract, But I got only 15/5Mb/s down and upload speed.
Please help me to fix this. My router works perfectly.

Thank you Patrik Béres

Hello @bres,

which router model are you using?

Best Regards,



Hello @bres,

the router does work for the bands 1,3 and 20 which are the frequencies of the stations in Legoland (20), Wasserburger Höhe (1,3,20) and Kleinkötz (3) and the topography is good, there are no hills between you and the stations.

Legoland would be a place of high usage and possible interferences, but you already wrote that it is the same when ethere is no season and the place is practically a ghost town. You did try other devices and the speed was also low and SIM card of your contract does not have any resctrictions acivated, as I can see.

Maybe our community experts, maybe @Joe Doe@Tom_ or @schluej have another idea which could be tried? 

Best Regards,




But I got only 15/5Mb/s down and upload speed.

Do you really mean MB/s? Did you measure the speed with a speedtest or with a download manager? (Steam, Firefox,...)


(15 MB/s = 120 Mbit/s)

I mean Mbit, yes


@bres I have the suggestion that you can report a disturbance via our Live Check in order for our technical department to have a look at the situation with our base stations and the signal at your address.

Best Regards,


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